Datasheet HMC365S8G, 365S8GE (Analog Devices)

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
DescriptionSMT 4 SMT GaAs HBT MMIC DIVIDE-BY-4, DC - 13 GHz
Pages / Page6 / 1 — HMC365S8G / 365S8GE. SMT GaAs HBT MMIC. DIVIDE-BY-4, DC - 13 GHz. Typical …
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HMC365S8G / 365S8GE. SMT GaAs HBT MMIC. DIVIDE-BY-4, DC - 13 GHz. Typical Applications. Features. Functional Diagram

Datasheet HMC365S8G, 365S8GE Analog Devices, Revision: E

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HMC365S8G / 365S8GE
SMT GaAs HBT MMIC DIVIDE-BY-4, DC - 13 GHz Typical Applications Features
4 Prescaler for DC to Ku Band PLL Applications: Ultra Low SSB Phase Noise: -151 dBc/Hz 4 • Satel ite Communication Systems Wide Bandwidth T • Fiber Optic Output Power: 5 dBm T M • Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multi-Point Radios Single DC Supply: +5V M • VSAT S8G SMT Package S - S S - S R R O O T
Functional Diagram General Description
T C C E The HMC365S8G & HMC365S8GE are low noise E T Divide-by-4 Static Dividers with InGaP GaAs HBT T E technology in 8 lead surface mount plastic packages. E This device operates from DC (with a square wave input) to 13 GHz input frequency with a single S & D +5V DC supply. The low additive SSB phase noise S & D R of -151 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset helps the user main- R E tain good system noise performance. E ID ID IV IV Y D Y D C C N N E E U U Q
Electrical Specifications, T = +25° C, 50 Ohm System, Vcc = 5V A
Q E Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units E R Maximum Input Frequency 13 14 GHz R F Minimum Input Frequency Sine Wave Input. [1} 0.2 0.5 GHz F Input Power Range Fin = 1 to 8 GHz -15 >-20 +10 dBm Fin = 8 to 11 GHz -10 >-15 +3 dBm Fin = 11 to 13 GHz -5 >-8 +3 dBm Output Power Fin = 13 GHz 2 5 dBm Reverse Leakage Both RF Outputs Terminated 45 dB SSB Phase Noise (100 kHz offset) Pin = 0 dBm, Fin = 6 GHz -151 dBc/Hz Output Transition Time Pin = 0 dBm, Fout = 882 MHz 100 ps Supply Current (Icc) 110 mA 1. Divider will operate down to DC for square-wave input signal. I F nf o or r p mat riioce n f , d urni e sh li e ve d bry y , a Anan lod t g o p Devic la e c s i e o s be rlid e e ve rs d t: A o b na e a lo cc g D urat e e v an ic d e resli, I abl n e c . H, O owe n v e T er, n ec o hn F o o log r priy W ce a , dy e, P liv . e O ry . B , a o n x 9 d t 10 o pl6 a , N c o e o rw d o er o s d, M : Ana A 0 lo 2 g D0 e 6 vi2 c -9 es10 , I 6 nc., responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106
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