Datasheet LTM2884 (Analog Devices) - 8

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
DescriptionIsolated USB Transceiver with Isolated Power
Pages / Page24 / 8 — PIN FUNCTIONS. Upstream Side (VCC, VBUS, VLO, GND). VCC (A8-A11):. D1– …
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PIN FUNCTIONS. Upstream Side (VCC, VBUS, VLO, GND). VCC (A8-A11):. D1– (A1):. D1+ (A2):. SPNDPWR (A3):

PIN FUNCTIONS Upstream Side (VCC, VBUS, VLO, GND) VCC (A8-A11): D1– (A1): D1+ (A2): SPNDPWR (A3):

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Voltage Supply Input to DC/DC Converter.
D1– (A1):
USB Data Bus Upstream Facing Negative The operating range is 4.4V to 16.5V. Connect to an exter- Transceiver Pin. A 1.5k pull-up resistor is automatically nal supply greater than 8.6V for 500mA on VCC2,VBUS configured to indicate the idle condition of the D2– pin. must be connected to the external supply or USB power. Connect to the USB VBUS for up to 200mA on VCC2.
D1+ (A2):
USB Data Bus Upstream Facing Positive Connect VCC to VBUS when the peripheral device has an Transceiver Pin. A 1.5k pull-up resistor is automatically external power source. Internally bypassed to GND with configured to indicate the idle condition of the D2+ pin. 4.7µF.
Suspend Power Control. A high input enables the DC/DC converter shutdown control if the USB
Isolated Downstream Side (VCC2, VLO2, GND2)
bus is suspended. A low input (GND) disables the shut-
GND2 (K1-K11, L3, L4, L6, L7):
Downstream Circuit down control to the DC/DC converter maintaining power Ground. to the isolated downstream side during suspend mode.
D2– (L1):
USB Data Bus Downstream Facing Negative The recovery time from suspend mode may be equivalent Transceiver Pin. The pin has a 15k pull-down resistor to to the power supply start-up time if the DC/DC converter GND2. was shut down. The SPNDPWR pin is referenced to VLO and GND.
D2+ (L2):
USB Data Bus Downstream Facing Positive Transceiver Pin. The pin has a 15k pull-down resistor to
ON (A4):
Enable for Power and Data Communication GND2. Through the Isolation Barrier. If ON is high, the part is enabled. If ON is low, the upstream side is held in reset
VLO2 (L5):
Internally Regulated 3.3V Logic Voltage Output. and the isolated side is unpowered by the DC/DC con- The VLO2 pin can source up to 10mA of surplus current. verter. The ON pin is referenced between VLO and GND. Internally bypassed to GND2 with 2.2µF. Output supply, no external connection necessary.
VLO (A5):
Internally Regulated 3.3V Logic Voltage Output. The VLO pin is used as a positive reference for the ON and
VCC2 (L8-L11):
Isolated Voltage Supply Output from DC/ SPNDPWR pins and can source up to 10mA of surplus DC Converter. Output voltage is 5V and can support up to current. Internally bypassed to GND with 2.2µF. Output 500mA of peripheral device current referenced to GND2. supply, no external connection necessary. Output current is dependant on input supply voltage and current limit. Internally bypassed to GND2 with 22µF.
GND (A6, B1-B11):
Upstream Circuit Ground. Output supply, no external connection necessary.
VBUS (A7):
Voltage Supply Input to USB Transceiver. The operating range is 4.4V to 16.5V. Connect to the USB VBUS supply or an external source. Internally bypassed to GND with 2.2µF. Rev. C 8 For more information Document Outline Features Applications Typical Application Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Order Information Pin Configuration Electrical Characteristics Switching Characteristics Isolation Characteristics Regulatory Information Electrical Characteristics Typical Performance Characteristics Pin Functions Block Diagram Test Circuits Functional Table Operation Applications Information Typical Applications Package Description Revision History Typical Application Related Parts