Datasheet FT232R (FTDI) - 34

DescriptionUSB UART IC
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FT232R USB UART IC Datasheet. Version 2.16. 10 Alternative Parts. FT232R. FT234X. FT23. FT231X. FT232H. Description. USB Speed. UART Data

FT232R USB UART IC Datasheet Version 2.16 10 Alternative Parts FT232R FT234X FT23 FT231X FT232H Description USB Speed UART Data

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FT232R USB UART IC Datasheet Version 2.16
Document No.: FT_000053 Clearance No.: FTDI# 38
10 Alternative Parts
The following lists of parts are not all direct drop in replacements but offer similar features as an alternative to the FT232R. The FT-X series is the latest device family offering reduced power and pin count with additional features such as battery charge detection, while the Hi-Speed solution offers faster interfacing.
FT232R FT234X
FT231X FT232H
Single Single channel Single channel channel USB Single channel Single channel USB to UART USB to UART
to UART with USB to Basic USB to Basic with full modem with full modem full modem UART UART control lines control lines control lines USB 2.0 full USB 2.0 full USB 2.0 full USB 2.0 full USB 2.0 hi-
USB Speed
speed speed speed speed speed
3 MBaud 3 MBaud 3 MBaud 3 MBaud 12 MBaud
Rates CBUS
5 1 4 4 10
MTP for storing
Internal Internal Internal Internal External
descriptors Package
32 pin QFN 12 pin DFN 16 pin QFN 20 pin QFN 48 pin QFN
28 pin SSOP (3mm x 3mm) 16 pin SSOP 20 pin SSOP 48 pin LQFP
FT232R FT234XD FT230X FT231X FT232H
Table 10.1 FT232R alternative solutions
Copyright © Future Technology Devices International Limited 34 Document Outline 1 Typical Applications 1.1 Driver Support 1.2 Part Numbers 1.3 USB Compliant 2 FT232R Block Diagram 3 Device Pin Out and Signal Description 3.1 28-LD SSOP Package 3.2 SSOP Package Pin Out Description 3.3 QFN-32 Package 3.4 QFN-32 Package Signal Description 3.5 CBUS Signal Options 4 Function Description 4.1 Key Features 4.2 Functional Block Descriptions 5 Devices Characteristics and Ratings 5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings 5.2 DC Characteristics 5.3 EEPROM Reliability Characteristics 5.4 Internal Clock Characteristics 5.5 Thermal Characteristics 6 USB Power Configurations 6.1 USB Bus Powered Configuration 6.2 Self Powered Configuration 6.3 USB Bus Powered with Power Switching Configuration 6.4 USB Bus Powered with Selectable External Logic Supply 7 Application Examples 7.1 USB to RS232 Converter 7.2 USB to RS485 Converter 7.3 USB to RS422 Converter 7.4 USB to MCU UART Interface 7.5 LED Interface 7.6 Using the External Oscillator 8 Internal EEPROM Configuration 9 Package Parameters 9.1 SSOP-28 Package Dimensions 9.2 QFN-32 Package Dimensions 9.3 Solder Reflow Profile 10 Alternative Parts 11 Contact Information Appendix A – References Document References Acronyms and Abbreviations Appendix B – List of Figures and Tables List of Figures List of Tables Appendix C – Revision History
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