Datasheet OP271 (Analog Devices)

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
DescriptionHigh-Speed, Dual Operational Amplifier
Pages / Page12 / 1 — High-Speed, Dual. Operational Amplifier. OP271. PIN CONNECTIONS. FEATURES …
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High-Speed, Dual. Operational Amplifier. OP271. PIN CONNECTIONS. FEATURES Excellent Speed: 8.5 V/. s Typ Fast Settling (0.01%): 2

Datasheet OP271 Analog Devices

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High-Speed, Dual Operational Amplifier OP271 PIN CONNECTIONS FEATURES Excellent Speed: 8.5 V/
s Typ Fast Settling (0.01%): 2
s Typ Unity-Gain Stable –IN A 1 16 OUT A High-Gain Bandwidth: 5 MHz Typ +IN A 2 15 NC Low Input Offset Voltage: 200
V Max NC 3 14 NC Low Offset Voltage Drift: 21

C Max V– 4 13 V+ High Gain: 400 V/mV Min NC 5 12 NC Outstanding CMR: 106 dB Min +IN B 6 11 Industry Standard 8-Pin Dual Pinout NC Available in Die Form –IN B 7 10 OUT B NC 8 9 NC NC = NO CONNECT GENERAL DESCRIPTION
The OP271 is a unity-gain stable monolithic dual op amp
16-Pin SOL
featuring excellent speed, 8.5 V/ms typical, and fast settling
time, 2 ms typical to 0. 01%. The OP271 has a gain bandwidth of 5 MHz with a high phase margin of 62∞. Input offset voltage of the OP271 is under 200 mV with input
OUT A 1 8 V+ A
offset voltage drift below 2 mV/∞C, guaranteed over the full
–IN A B 2 7 OUT B – + + –
military temperature range. Open-loop gain exceeds 400,000
+IN A 3 6 –IN B
into a 10 kW load ensuring outstanding gain accuracy and
V– 4 5 +IN B
linearity. The input bias current is under 20 nA limiting errors due to source resistance. The OP271’s outstanding
Epoxy Mini-DIP
CMR, over 106 dB, and low PSRR, under 5.6 mV/V, reduce
errors caused by ground noise and power supply fluctuations.
8-Pin Hermetic DIP
In addition, the OP27l exhibits high CMR and PSRR over a
wide frequency range, further improving system accuracy.
Figure 1. Simplified Schematic (One of the two amplifiers is shown.) REV. A Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that
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may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise
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under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.
Fax: 781/326-8703 © Analog Devices, Inc., 2002
Document Outline FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION PIN CONNECTIONS SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ORDERING GUIDE Typical Performance Characteristics APPLICATION INFORMATION Capacitive Load Driving and Power Supply Considerations Unity-Gain Buffer Applications Computer Simulations APPLICATIONS Low Phase Error Amplifier Dual 12-Bit Voltage Output DAC Fast Current Pump OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Revision History