點晶科技股份有限公司 SILICON TOUCH TECHNOLOGY INC . 新竹市科學園區展業一路 9 號 7 樓之 1 9-7F-1, Prosperity RoadⅠ, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, R.O.C. DD311 Tel:886-3-5645656 Fax:886-3-5645626 Constant-Current Output Constant-current value is set by the reference current input. The output current will be 100 times the input current value produced by an external resistor between the REXT pin and the bias voltage or, alternatively, force the low bias voltage to REXT pin. Varying the resistor or the bias voltage value can adjust the current scale ranging up to 1A. Notice that the output current is a little increasing or decreasing until the device temperature and ambient temperature are balance. The output current value is calculated roughly by the following equation: I(A) - V) / R(ohm) = 100 × × I(A)LED ~ 100 × ( VbiasREXTEXTREFVVLEDbiasIRREFEXTILEDDD311 1 2 3 4 5 VREXTEN Output Current as a Function of REXT value 1100 1000 Vbias=36V 900 Vbias=24V 800 Vbias=18V 700 ) Vbias=12V 600 Vbias=5V (mA 500 LED I 400 300 200 100 0 100 1000 10000 100000 REXT (ohm) HIGH CONSTANT CURRENT LED DRIVERVersion:PRE.001 Page 6