Datasheet AOZ8S205BLS (Alpha & Omega) - 5

ManufacturerAlpha & Omega
DescriptionSingle Channel Bidirectional 0.075pF TVS Diode
Pages / Page6 / 5 — AOZ8S205BLS-24. Typical Characteristics. USB3.1 Gen2 Eye Diagram (10 …
File Format / SizePDF / 784 Kb
Document LanguageEnglish

AOZ8S205BLS-24. Typical Characteristics. USB3.1 Gen2 Eye Diagram (10 Gbps). HDMI2.0 Eye Diagram (12 Gbps)

AOZ8S205BLS-24 Typical Characteristics USB3.1 Gen2 Eye Diagram (10 Gbps) HDMI2.0 Eye Diagram (12 Gbps)

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AOZ8S205BLS-24 Typical Characteristics
USB3.1 Gen2 Eye Diagram (10 Gbps) HDMI2.0 Eye Diagram (12 Gbps) Thunderbolt 4.0 Eye Diagram (20 Gbps)
Rev. 1.0 May 2023
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