3680 Family - Precision PotentiometerRecommended Part Numbers3681S-1 3682S-1 3683S-13684S-1 3685S-1Resistance1 2 3 4 5( Ω )Decade Decade DecadeDecade Decade 50 -500L 100 -101L 200 -201L 500 -501L -501L 1,000 -102L -102L -102L 2,000 -202L -202L -202L 5,000 -502L -502L -502L10 K -103L -103L -103L -103L 20 K -203L -203L -203L 50 K -503L -503L -503L 100 K -104L -104L -104L -104L -104L 500 K -504L -504L -504L 1 Meg -105L -105L -105L -105L BOLDFACE LISTINGS ARE IN STOCK AND READILY AVAILABLE THROUGH DISTRIBUTION. FOR OTHER OPTIONS CONSULT FACTORY. ROHS IDENTIFIER: L = COMPLIANT Asia-Pacific: Tel: +886-2 2562-4117 • Email: asiacus@bourns.com EMEA: Tel: +36 88 885 877 • Email: eurocus@bourns.com The Americas: Tel: +1-951 781-5500 • Email: americus@bourns.com www.bourns.com REV. 10/19 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Users should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. The products described herein and this document are subject to specific disclaimers as set forth on the last page of this document, and at www.bourns.com/legal/disclaimer.pdf.