link to page 3 TS33Maximum ratings2Maximum ratingsTable 1. Absolute maximum ratingsSymbolParameterValueUnit VIN Maximum input voltage -0.3 to 7 V VOUT Maximum voltage on the output pin -0.3 to VIN +0.3 V IOUT Output short-circuit current (sinking/sourcing) Internally limited mA Pd Power dissipation (1) 700 mW Tstg Storage temperature -65 to +150 °C Human body model (HBM) 4 kV ESD Charged device model 1000 V Tlead Lead temperature (soldering) 10 s 260 °C Tj Max junction temperature +150 °C 1. Pd has been calculated with Tamb = 25 °C and Tjmax = 150 °C Note: Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Functional operation under these conditions is not implied. Table 2. Thermal dataSymbolParameterQFN8SOT23-3LSOT323-3LUnit RthJA Thermal resistance junction-ambient 159 246 242 °C/W RthJC Thermal resistance junction-case 103 171 103 °C/W Table 3. Recommended operating conditionsSymbolParameterValueUnit VIN Operating input voltage range 1.8 to 5.5 V IOUT Maximum operating current ± 5 mA Toper Operating free air temperature range -40 to +125 °C DS12001 - Rev 5page 3/24 Document Outline 1 Pin configuration 2 Maximum ratings 3 Typical application 4 Electrical characteristics 5 Typical performance characteristics 6 Package information 6.1 QFN8 package information 6.2 SOT23-3L package information 6.3 SOT323-3L package information 7 Ordering information Revision history Contents List of tables List of figures