link to page 4 link to page 4 link to page 4 link to page 4 link to page 4 link to page 4 link to page 4 link to page 4 link to page 4 FL7701ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Typical values are at TA = +25°C. Specifications to −40°C~125°C are guaranteed by design based on final characterization results.) SymbolParameterConditionsMinTypMaxUnitVCC BIAS SECTION VCC VCC Regulator Output Voltage VHV = 100 VDC 14.0 15.5 17.0 V VCCST+ UVLO Positive Going Threshold VCC Increasing 12 13 14 V VCCST− UVLO Negative Going Threshold VCC Decreasing 7 8 9 V VCCHY UVLO Hysteresis 4 5 6 V IHV HV Pin Current VHV = 100 VDC, − 0.85 1.10 mA CL = 150 pF, RT = Open IST Startup Current − 120 150 mA SWITCHING SECTION fOSC Operating Frequency RT = 5.95 kW 200 250 300 kHz RT = 87 kW 16 20 24 kHz RT Open 40.5 45.0 49.5 kHz tMIN Minimum On Time − 400 − ns DMAX Maximum Duty Cycle − 50 − % tLEB Leading Edge Blanking Time (Note 3) − 350 − ns VRT Voltage Reference of RT Pin − 1.5 − V SOFT−START SECTION tss Soft−Start Time (Note 3) DC Mode 48 60 72 ms AC Mode − 7 − Periods REFERENCE SECTION VCS1 Internal Reference Voltage of CS Pin DC Mode 0.354 0.365 0.376 V VCS2 AC Mode (Note 3) 0.485 0.500 0.515 PROTECTION SECTION OVPVCC Over−Voltage Protection on VCC Pin 17.7 18.7 19.7 V VAOCP Abnormal OCP Level at CS Pin (Note 3) − 2.5 − V tAOCP Abnormal Detection Time (Note 3) − 70 − ns tTSDH Thermal Shutdown Threshold (Note 3) 140 150 − °C tTSDHY Thermal Shutdown Threshold Hysteresis (Note 3) − 50 − °C DIMMING SECTION VADIM(ST+) Analog Dimming Positive Going Threshold (Note 3) 3.15 3.50 3.85 V VADIM(ST−) Analog Dimming Negative Going Threshold (Note 3) − 0.50 0.75 V IAD Internal Current Source for ADIM Pin 9 12 15 mA Product parametric performance is indicated in the Electrical Characteristics for the listed test conditions, unless otherwise noted. Product performance may not be indicated by the Electrical Characteristics if operated under different conditions. 3. These parameters, although guaranteed, are not 100% tested in production. www.onsemi.com4