Teseo-VIC6AAugmentation systems3Augmentation systems3.1Satellite-based augmentation system The module supports SBAS. SBAS is a wide area differential GPS (WADGPS), it is a system which provides differential GPS corrections data; SBAS includes the WAAS within the United States, the EGNOS within Europe, the multifunctional transport satellite (MTSAT) – based MSAS within Japan and southeast Asia, and the GPS and GEO augmented navigation (GAGAN) system in India. SBAS data correction is used in the GNSS algorithm to provide a better position estimation. The overall SBAS differential correction mechanism can be conceived as built in 2 phases: • The “acquire and tracking” phase • The “decoding” phase The “acquire and track” phase relates to the capacity of the acquisition engine to reliably track the configured SBAS satellite; during the decoding phase the SBAS message can be decoded to fetch the differential corrections. The current longitude limits for each service are: • WAAS -180°C to -25°C • EGNOS -25°C to +50°C • GAGAN +50°C to +100°C • MSAS +100°C to +180°C The module software with SBAS capability implements a command interface at the NMEA level to allow interaction with the SBAS library. It supports commands to enable/disable the SBAS functionality. 3.2Differential GPS The module supports differential-GPS data according to RTCM 2.3 (radio technical commission for maritime services). Differential-GPS data improves position accuracy. DB5477 - Rev 2page 5/8 Document Outline Teseo-VIC6A 1 Module description 1.1 Block diagram 1.2 Pin configuration 1.3 Pin out description 2 Supported GNSS constellations 2.1 GPS 2.2 GLONASS 2.3 BeiDou 2.4 Galileo 2.5 IRNSS 2.6 QZSS 3 Augmentation systems 3.1 Satellite-based augmentation system 3.2 Differential GPS Revision history