Teseo-ELE6AAugmentation systems3Augmentation systems3.1Satellite-based augmentation system The module supports SBAS. SBAS is a wide area differential GPS (WADGPS), it is a system which provides differential GPS corrections data; SBAS includes the WAAS within the United States, the EGNOS within Europe, the multifunctional transport satellite (MTSAT)–based MSAS within Japan and southeast Asia, and the GPS and GEO augmented navigation (GAGAN) system in India. SBAS data correction is used in the GNSS algorithm to provide a better position estimation. The overall SBAS differential correction mechanism can be conceived as built in 2 phases: • The “acquire and tracking” phase • The “decoding” phase The “acquire and track” phase relates to the capacity of the acquisition engine to reliably track the configured SBAS satellite; during the decoding phase the SBAS message can be decoded to fetch the differential corrections. The current longitude limits for each service are: • WAAS -180°C to -25°C • EGNOS -25°C to +50°C • GAGAN +50°C to +100°C • MSAS +100°C to +180°C The module software with SBAS capability implements a command interface at the NMEA level to allow interaction with the SBAS library. It supports commands to enable/disable the SBAS functionality. 3.2Differential GPS The module supports differential-GPS data according to RTCM 2.3 (radio technical commission for maritime services). Differential-GPS data improves position accuracy. DB5474 - Rev 2page 6/9 Document Outline Teseo-ELE6A 1 Module description 1.1 Block diagram 1.2 Pin configuration 1.3 Pin out description 2 Supported GNSS constellations 2.1 GPS 2.2 GLONASS 2.3 BeiDou 2.4 Galileo 2.5 IRNSS 2.6 QZSS 3 Augmentation systems 3.1 Satellite-based augmentation system 3.2 Differential GPS Revision history