www.knowlescapacitors.com www.knowlescapacitors.com www.knowlescapacitors.com Ceramic CoaxialResonator Knowles Part Number: DR06F36Q0735DNBDescription: Dielectric Resonator, 6 mm, Resonant Freq= 735 MHz ± 1%, No Tab, Std. Resonator Length (SRL) = 17 mm .094 ± .004 DIA .669 ± .050 2.39 ± .102 DIA 17.00 ± 1.27 .236 ± .005 6.00 ± .127 .236 ± .005 6.00 ± .127 APPLICATIONS AND FEATURESSPECIFICATIONSCoaxial Resonator:Quarter Wave Resonator Coaxial resonators made with modern, high performance ceramic dielectric Fo (MHz): 735 MHz materials are very useful as compact Fo Tolerance: ± 1.00% frequency standards, filter elements, Coating: Silver (Thick Film) and distributed inductive or capacitive Size (Metallized): 6.00 X 6.00 X 17.00 mm circuit elements. The high Q obtained Dielectric Constant: 36 in the UHF, VHF, L, S, C bands and Input: No Tab microwave frequency range makes these resonators ideal for many Q: 428 applications. Zo: 9.9 ohm Package: Bulk 2777 Route 20 East, Cazenovia, NY 13035 | Ph: 315.655.8710 | KPD-NA-sales@knowles.com Aug 2022 – Rev1