Datasheet CD4049A, CD4050A (Texas Instruments)

ManufacturerTexas Instruments
DescriptionCOS/MOS Hex Buffer/Converters
Pages / Page3 / 1 — CD4049A, CD4050A Typ s COS/MOS Hex Buffer/Converters. RECOMMENDED …
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CD4049A, CD4050A Typ s COS/MOS Hex Buffer/Converters. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS at TA=25 0 C, Except as Noted

Datasheet CD4049A, CD4050A Texas Instruments

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CD4049A, CD4050A Typ s COS/MOS Hex Buffer/Converters
For maximum reliability, nominal operating conditions should be selected so that
operation IS always Within the following ranges: CD4049A-lnverting Type
CD4050A-Non-lnverting Type
The CD4049A and CD4050A are inverting
and non-inverting hex buffers, respectively,
and feature logic-level conversion using o.nly
one supply voltage (VCC)-The input-signal
high level (V I H) can exceed the V CC supply
voltage when these devices are used for logiclevel conversions_ These devices are intended
for use as COS/MOS to DTL/TTL converters
and can drive directly two DTL/TTL loads_
(VCC=5 V, VOL ~0.4 V, and IDN ~3.2 mA.)
The CD4049A and CD4050A are designated
as replacements for CD4009A and CD4010A,
respectively. Because the CD4049A and
CD4050A require only one power supply,
they are preferred over the CD4009A and
CD4010A and should be used in place of the
CD4009A and CD4010A in all inverter, current driver, or logic-level conversion applications. In these applications the CD4049A
and CD4050A are pin compatible with the
CD4009A and CD4010A respectively, and
can be substituted for these devices in
existing as well as in new designs. Terminal
No. 16 is not connected internally on the
CD4049A or CD4050A, therefore, connection
to this terminal is of no consequence to circuit operation. For applications not requiring high sink-current or voltage conversion, the CD4069 Hex Inverter is recommended. LIMITS
Supply Voltage Range (Vee) (Fo' T A=Fuli Package TemperatUie Range)
Input Voltage Range (VI) UNITS 3 12 V VCC 12 V 'The CD4049 and CD4050 have hlgh to low level voltage conversion capability but not
IOW IO hlgh level. therefore.t.s recommendf'd that V f ;, V CC STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Quiescent
IL Max. V These types are supplied in 16-lead hermellc
dual-in-Ilne ceramic packages (D and F
suffixes), 16-lead dual-In-Iine plastic package (E suffix), U~~lead ceramic flat packages_(K SUffiX), and In chip form (H suffiX). 1.5 Min.; 2.25 Typ.
3 Min.; 4.5 Typ. ~~ Features:

• 3 Min.; 4.5 Typ. High sink current for driving 2 TTL loads
High-to-Iow level logic conversion
Quiescent current specified to 15 V
Maximum input leakage of 1 J.LA at 15 V
(full package-temperature range) 7.2 10 V 2 Min.; 3 Typ. Applications:
• COS/MOS to DTL/TTL hex converter
• COS/MOS current "sink" or "source"
• COSIMOS high-to-Iow logic-level
converter ~
vee _1_
F Gli ~ HoB e~ Ioe e~ Jo[j KaE
LoF Vss _8_ Ne 013
Ne -16
CD4049A ~
~ "oe I-e
JoD F~ mA 'oE
LoF vee _1_
VSS _8_
NC'13 Ne -16
CD4050A Fig. 1 -Functional diagrams. 554 V GoA Any Input 15 ±10-5 Typ., ±1 Max. J.LA