Datasheets - Magnetometers Infineon

Subsection: "Magnetometers"
Manufacturer: "Infineon"
Search results: 15 Output: 1-15

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  1. Single die GMR magnetic angle sensor with high accuracy for automotive, consumer and industrial
  2. Analog output magnetic angle sensor, dual die GMR for safety applications requiring redundancy
  1. Analog GMR magnetic angle position sensor for automotive, consumer and industrial
  2. Magnetic angle sensor, dual die GMR for safety applications
  3. Datasheet Infineon TLE5309DE5201XUMA1
  4. Datasheet Infineon TLE5309DE1211XUMA1
  5. Datasheet Infineon TLE5009A16DE1200XUMA1
    Dual die GMR magnetic angle sensor for automotive ASIL with analog output
  6. Datasheet Infineon TLE5009A16E2200XUMA1
    Single die GMR magnetic angle position sensor for Automotive ASIL applications
  7. Datasheet Infineon TLE5009A16E1210XUMA1
    Single die GMR magnetic angle sensor with Temperature Compensation Offset
  8. Datasheet Infineon TLE5009A16E1200XUMA1
    Single die GMR magnetic angle sensor for safety applications
  9. Datasheet Infineon TLE5109A16E1210XUMA1
    Single die AMR-based analog angle sensor for automotive and industrial safety
  10. Angle sensor for ultra-precise angular position sensing, AMR-based - dual die
  11. Datasheet Infineon TLE5109A16DE1210XUMA1
    Dual die AMR-based analog angle sensor for automotive and industrial safety
  12. Angle sensors for ultra-precise angular position sensing, AMR-based

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