This monolithic integrated circuit contains all the control circuitry for a regulating power supply inverter or switching regulator. Included in a 16-pin dual-in-line package is the voltage reference, error amplifier, oscillator, pulse width ...
ECL D Flip-Flop with Set and Reset The MC10EL/100EL31 is a D flip-flop with set and reset. The device is functionally equivalent to the E131 device with higher performance capabilities. With propagation delays and output transition times ...
ECL D Flip-Flop with Set and Reset The MC10EL/100EL31 is a D flip-flop with set and reset. The device is functionally equivalent to the E131 device with higher performance capabilities. With propagation delays and output transition times ...
5.0 V ECL D Flip-Flop with Set and Reset The MC10EL/100EL31 is a D flip-flop with set and reset. The device is functionally equivalent to the E131 device with higher performance capabilities. With propagation delays and output transition times ...
5.0 V ECL D Flip-Flop with Set and Reset The MC10EL/100EL31 is a D flip-flop with set and reset. The device is functionally equivalent to the E131 device with higher performance capabilities. With propagation delays and output transition times ...
5.0 V ECL D Flip-Flop with Set and Reset The MC10EL/100EL31 is a D flip-flop with set and reset. The device is functionally equivalent to the E131 device with higher performance capabilities. With propagation delays and output transition times ...