Evaluation and development tool package STMicroelectronics STM3210B-PRIMER
The STM32 Primer from Raisonance is a uniquely fun, easy, low-cost tool for exploring and developing with the STM32 ARM Cortex™-M3
core-based microcontrollers.
Detailed Description
Start exploring the power of STM32 by playing with the included applications. The Primer’s STM32F103B drives a fun, ergonomic hardware platform that includes a graphical user interface with MEMs-based controls for navigating and controlling the GUI and game applications. When running the applications, the Primer can function in standalone mode powered by a battery that is
recharged via a USB connection.
To learn more about STM32, the Primer includes everything users need to understand how the sample applications function, modify them and even create new applications. The Primer plugs directly into a host PC's USB port for in-circuit debugging and programming, and comes with Raisonance's RIDE7 software toolset for STM32.
RIDE7 drives the hardware and offers a full range of project management, source code editing and debugging features from an intuitive graphical interface. The included version allows debug of applications up to 32 Kbytes in size. For information about upgrade to the unlimited version, refer to the stm32circle web site. The included GNU C/C++ compiler allows unlimited compilation of applications for STM32. The compiler controls are fully integrated into the RIDE7 interface allowing building and rebuilding of applications without leaving the integrated development environment.
- STM32 Primer with STM32F103B and:
- In-circuit debugging/programming via dedicated USB connection to the host PC
- Ergonomic design, MEMs-based controls
- Evaluation features including USB connector, 128×128 pixel color LCD, MEMs, sensor, buzzer, IrDA transceiver footprint
- RIDE7 development software toolset with project manager, editor and high-levellanguage debugging. Debug up to 32 Kbytes ofcode.
- GNU C/C++ compiler, no code size limitations
- CircleOS task scheduler with features fordynamic loading and management of new applications
- C source code for all sample applications and libraries including:
- MEMs (GUI application controls)
- LCD (graphical interface, games, bitmap converter)
- more to come...
- Dedicated online community and resources at stm32circle web site.
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