Datasheet RTE Digital oscilloscope (Rohde&Schwarz) - 5

DescriptionDigital Oscilloscope Specifications
Pages / Page44 / 5 — Version 16.01, November 2017. Base unit. Vertical system. Rohde & …
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Version 16.01, November 2017. Base unit. Vertical system. Rohde & Schwarz

Version 16.01, November 2017 Base unit Vertical system Rohde & Schwarz

Text Version of Document

Version 16.01, November 2017 Base unit Vertical system
Input channels R&S®RTE1022 2 channels R&S®RTE1024 4 channels R&S®RTE1032 2 channels R&S®RTE1034 4 channels R&S®RTE1052 2 channels R&S®RTE1054 4 channels R&S®RTE1102 2 channels R&S®RTE1104 4 channels R&S®RTE1152 2 channels R&S®RTE1154 4 channels R&S®RTE1202 2 channels R&S®RTE1204 4 channels Input impedance 50 Ω ± 1.5 % 1 MΩ ± 1 % || 17 pF ± 1 pF (meas.) Analog bandwidth (–3 dB) at 50 Ω input impedance R&S®RTE1022 and R&S®RTE1024 ≥ 200 MHz R&S®RTE1032 and R&S®RTE1034 ≥ 350 MHz R&S®RTE1052 and R&S®RTE1054 ≥ 500 MHz R&S®RTE1102 and R&S®RTE1104 ≥ 1 GHz R&S®RTE1152 and R&S®RTE1154 ≥ 1.5 GHz R&S®RTE1202 and R&S®RTE1204 ≥ 2 GHz at 1 MΩ input impedance R&S®RTE1022 and R&S®RTE1024 ≥ 200 MHz (meas.) R&S®RTE1032 and R&S®RTE1034 ≥ 350 MHz (meas.) R&S®RTE1052, R&S®RTE1054, ≥ 500 MHz (meas.) R&S®RTE1102, R&S®RTE1104, R&S®RTE1152, R&S®RTE1154, R&S®RTE1202, and R&S®RTE1204 Analog bandwidth limits max. –1.5 dB, min. –4 dB 200 MHz, 20 MHz Rise time/fall time 10 % to 90 % at 50 Ω (calculated) R&S®RTE1022 and R&S®RTE1024 < 1.75 ns R&S®RTE1032 and R&S®RTE1034 < 1 ns R&S®RTE1052 and R&S®RTE1054 < 700 ps R&S®RTE1102 and R&S®RTE1104 < 350 ps R&S®RTE1152 and R&S®RTE1154 < 233 ps R&S®RTE1202 and R&S®RTE1204 < 175 ps Input VSWR input frequency ≤ 500 MHz 1.25 (meas.) input frequency > 500 MHz 1.4 (meas.) Vertical resolution digitizer 8 bit high definition mode 16 bit (without reduction of the sampling rate 1) high resolution decimation 16 bit (with reduction of the sampling rate) Effective number of bits of digitizer for full-scale sine-wave signal with > 7.0 bit (meas.) frequency equal to or lower than –3 dB bandwidth DC gain accuracy offset and position set to 0 V, after self-alignment input sensitivity > 5 mV/div ±1.5 % input sensitivity ≤ 5 mV/div ±2 % Input coupling at 50 Ω DC, GND at 1 MΩ DC, AC (> 7 Hz), GND Input sensitivity at 50 Ω 500 μV/div to 1 V/div, entire analog bandwidth supported for all input sensitivities at 1 MΩ 500 μV/div to 10 V/div, entire analog bandwidth supported for all input sensitivities 1 The maximum realtime sampling rate of the high definition mode is 2.5 Gsample/s.
Rohde & Schwarz
R&S®RTE Digital Oscilloscope