Several words about the citizenship by investment

Migration is very ordinary phenomenon in the 21th century. People can change state of their residence because of different reasons. Such a decision can be connected with job and career, education, business. Some people don't change their passports. But other migrants prefer to get new citizenship by investment. Let's understand what does it mean.

What's citizenship (new nationality) by investment

If the person wants to get the second passport, he or she can give some money for development of different spheres of his or her new country:

  • economy (it's a way to become a citizen of United Arab Emirates);
  • culture (for example, South Korea uses such programme);
  • real estate (the person has to buy a flat in his or her new place).

Each country demands different quantities of money from their future residents. Usually local authorities write the list of conditions for citizenship on their official pages in Internet.

What states give their citizenship to investors

Such a programme is used by different countries. This list includes many lands:

  • United Arab Emirates;
  • Antigua and Barbuda;
  • Turkey;
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis;
  • Grenada;
  • Dominica.

The choice depends of reasons of migration and individual tastes of the person.

For example, Arabic language is better to study in UAE because the locals are its native speakers. Also this land is known for active business life. If the person is interested in English, it's suitable to choose Grenada or Saint Kitts and Nevis. This language is official there.

Those who want to live near Mediterranean Sea can go to Turkey. Dominica is interesting for the people who want to study Spanish because it's spoken there. All mentioned states are situated on the sea or ocean beaches so they are good for rest and recreation.

How to get a new nationality via investment

Each migrant has to get different documents for his or her new citizenship. Their list can be written on the government site of chosen state. So it's important to read different materials in Internet before making such a choice.

Also our company can help with bureaucratic procedures. We work with people who want to get their 2nd nationality (citizenship) for having real estate in the target state.

We make such steps:

  • getting and studying documents of our client;
  • recommending the most suitable programme in his or her situation.

After that we fulfill the conditions of investment and cooperate with local authorities. Bureaucratic procedures must be resulted in giving to the client a new nationality цЯ́and second passport.