Datasheet Texas Instruments LM36273

ManufacturerTexas Instruments
Datasheet Texas Instruments LM36273

Three-Channel LCD Backlight and Bias Power


LM36273 Three-Channel LCD Backlight Driver With Integrated Bias Power datasheet
PDF, 4.3 Mb, Revision: C, File published: Jun 23, 2017
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Lifecycle StatusActive (Recommended for new designs)
Manufacture's Sample AvailabilityYes


Package TypeYFF
Industry STD TermDSBGA
Package QTY3000
CarrierLARGE T&R
Device MarkingLM36273
Thickness (mm).3
Pitch (mm).4
Max Height (mm).625
Mechanical DataDownload


Parameters / ModelsLM36273YFFR
Number of Channels3
Duty Cycle(Max), %92
LED Current Per Channel, mA30
Operating Temperature Range, C-40 to 85
Package GroupDSBGA
Package Size: mm2:W x L, PKGSee datasheet (DSBGA)
Peak Efficiency, %92
Shutdown Current(Typ), uA1.2
Special FeaturesAdjustable Switch Frequency,CABC,Direct PWM Dimming,I2C Control,OVP,Thermal Shutdown
Switching Frequency(Max), kHz1050
TopologyBoost,Current Sink
Vin(Max), V5
Vin(Min), V2.7
Vout(Max), V30
Vout(Min), V27

Eco Plan


Application Notes

  • Auto-Frequency Mode Setting for Improved Boost Efficiency in White LED Backlight
    PDF, 252 Kb, File published: Oct 14, 2016
    As the load current of a boost converter is reduced, the ratio of conduction losses to switching lossesbegins to lower. Conduction losses are losses that are a function of current. Switching losses are lossesthat are a function of switching frequency. As this ratio is reduced the boost switching losses begin todominate the total circuit losses. When this happens, the benefit of lowering the
  • Analog PWM Dimming in White-LED Drivers
    PDF, 539 Kb, File published: Dec 21, 2016
    Pulse-width modulation (PWM) is a common type of dimming used to adjust the current in white-LEDdriver devices. PWM dimming takes a rectangle waveform with variable positive duty cycle (D) and adjuststhe LED current proportionally. For many smaller format white LED drivers (7-inch screen size or smaller),the PWM signal is converted to a DC control voltage and made to drive the LED current in
  • Schottky Diode Selection in Asynchronous Boost Converters
    PDF, 491 Kb, File published: Sep 6, 2016
    Asynchronous boost converters require a Schottky diode as the rectifying element due to the diode's lowforward voltage and fast turn-on time. Because of these characteristics asynchronous boost converterscan have as good as, or better efficiency, than synchronous boost converters. This is especially true whenthe boost conversion ratios (VOUT/VIN) are high, and the Schottky diode conduction t
  • Inductor Selection in Boost Converters for LCD Backlight Applications
    PDF, 764 Kb, File published: Oct 24, 2016
    White LED drivers for LCD back-light applications are often designed for battery-powered devices. This makes circuit size and efficiency crucial. Because of this, selecting the optimal inductor is one of the mostimportant aspects of the design. This application note discusses the important parameters of the inductorand how to select the right inductor for the application.

Model Line

Series: LM36273 (1)

Manufacturer's Classification

  • Semiconductors> Power Management> LED Driver> Backlight