Eric Schlaepfer

Eric Schlaepfer

Eric Schlaepfer

Eric Schlaepfer, worked as an application engineer at Maxim Integrated Products. He currently works at Google.

Eric, an analogue tech guru, likes to do all kinds of kookie timepiece projects.

Areas of interest of the author: Microcontrollers Usage Supply

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Eric Schlaepfer:

  1. In-Circuit Programming Switch Simplifies Operation Of Programmable Devices
    Many devices require programming through a serial bus, such as I2C. The programming can be done during final test, after the circuit board has been assembled. In many cases, the pins used for programming can then be utilized for something else during normal operation. In fact,...
    May 23, 2019
  2. Supervise and power-sequence an SOC
    Microprocessors, microcontrollers, and SOCs (systems on chips) often need a reset pulse to initialize properly. Many of these devices also use separate I/O- and core-voltage supplies. When you use multiple supplies, you must turn them on in a specific sequence to prevent the...
    May 23, 2018