Eric Micko

Eric Micko

Eric Micko

Eric Micko designs innovative products and technologies. He has expertise in many areas, including electronic hardware and firmware design, as well as industrial, mechanical, and infrared-optics design. Recently, he has emphasized creation of sensors, such as Intrusion and Occupancy sensors, for smart homes and buildings. Eric holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University.

Areas of interest of the author: Supply

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Eric Micko:

  1. Simple Charge Pump Boosts Input Voltage by 50%
    This charge-pump circuit, using just a few diodes and capacitors, ups the input voltage by a factor of 1.5 in contrast to the usual voltage-doubling output. Micropower product designs sometimes require a simple, inexpensive voltage booster to augment the system battery...
    Jan 22, 2020