Datasheet Texas Instruments LM324 MWA
Manufacturer | Texas Instruments |
Series | LM324-MIL |
Part Number | LM324 MWA |
Quadruple Operational Amplifier 0-WAFERSALE -40 to 85
LM324-MIL Quadruple Operational Amplifier datasheet
PDF, 939 Kb, File published: Jun 21, 2017
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Lifecycle Status | Active (Recommended for new designs) |
Manufacture's Sample Availability | No |
Package Type | YS |
Package QTY | 1 |
Eco Plan
RoHS | Compliant |
Application Notes
- AN-260 A 20-Bit (1 ppm) Linear Slope-Integrating A/D Converter (Rev. B)PDF, 502 Kb, Revision: B, File published: May 5, 2013
This application report discusses how combining an “inferior”, 20 year old A/D conversion technique with amicroprocessor, a developmental A/D converter achieves 1 part-per-million (20-bit) linearity. - AN-79 IC Preamplifier Challenges Choppers on Drift (Rev. B)PDF, 940 Kb, Revision: B, File published: May 1, 2013
Since the introduction of monolithic IC amplifiers there has been a continual improvement in DC accuracy.Bias currents have been decreased by 5 orders of magnitude over the past 5 years. Low offset voltagedrift is also necessary in a high accuracy circuits. This is evidenced by the popularity of low drift amplifiertypes as well as the requests for selected low-drift op amps. However until n - AN-278 Designing with a New Super Fast Dual Norton Amplifier (Rev. B)PDF, 867 Kb, Revision: B, File published: Apr 23, 2013
This application note provides new design ideas and discusses the positive impact of designing with theDual Norton amplifier. - AN-256 Circuitry for Inexpensive Relative Humidity Measurement (Rev. B)PDF, 262 Kb, Revision: B, File published: May 6, 2013
Of all common environmental parameters humidity is perhaps the least understood and most difficult tomeasure. The most common electronic humidity detection methods albeit highly accurate are not obviousand tend to be expensive and complex (See Box). Accurate humidity measurement is vital to a number ofdiverse areas including food processing paper and lumber production pollution monitor - AN-263 Sine Wave Generation Techniques (Rev. C)PDF, 747 Kb, Revision: C, File published: Apr 22, 2013
This application note describes the sine wave generation techniques to control frequency amplitude anddistortion levels. - Audio Applications of Linear Integrated CircuitsPDF, 272 Kb, File published: May 2, 2004
- AN-30 Log Converters (Rev. B)PDF, 370 Kb, Revision: B, File published: May 1, 2013
One of the most predictable non-linear elements commonly available is the bipolar transistor. Therelationship between collector current and emitter base voltage is precisely logarithmic from currentsbelow one picoamp to currents above one milliamp. Using a matched pair of transistors and integratedcircuit operational amplifiers it is relatively easy to construct a linear to logarithmic conv - AN-262 Applying Dual and Quad FET Op Amps (Rev. B)PDF, 1.1 Mb, Revision: B, File published: May 6, 2013
The availability of dual and quad packaged FET op amps offers the designer all the traditional capabilitiesof FET op amps including low bias current and speed and some additional advantages. The cost-peramplifieris lower because of reduced package costs. This means that more amplifiers are available toimplement a function at a given cost making design easier. At the same time the availab - Get More Power Out of Dual or Quad Op-AmpsPDF, 91 Kb, File published: Oct 2, 2002
Model Line
Series: LM324-MIL (1)
- LM324 MWA
Manufacturer's Classification
- Semiconductors > Amplifiers > Operational Amplifiers (Op Amps) > General-Purpose Op Amps