Datasheet LTC1402 (Analog Devices)

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
DescriptionSerial 12-Bit, 2.2Msps Sampling ADC with Shutdown
Pages / Page24 / 1 — FEATURES. DESCRIPTIO. Sample Rate: 2.2Msps. 72dB S/(N + D) and –89dB THD …
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Document LanguageEnglish

FEATURES. DESCRIPTIO. Sample Rate: 2.2Msps. 72dB S/(N + D) and –89dB THD at Nyquist. Power Dissipation: 90mW (Typ)

Datasheet LTC1402 Analog Devices

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LTC1402 Serial 12-Bit, 2.2Msps Sampling ADC with Shutdown

Sample Rate: 2.2Msps
The LTC®1402 is a 12-bit, 2.2Msps sampling A/D con- ■
72dB S/(N + D) and –89dB THD at Nyquist
verter. This high performance device includes a high dy- ■
Power Dissipation: 90mW (Typ)
namic range sample-and-hold and a precision reference. ■
80MHz Full Power Bandwidth Sampling
It operates from a single 5V supply or dual ±5V supplies ■ No Missing Codes over Temperature and draws only 90mW from 5V. ■ Available in 16-Pin Narrow SSOP Package The versatile differential input offers a unipolar range of ■ Single Supply 5V or ±5V Operation 4.096V and a bipolar range of ±2.048V for dual supply ■ Nap Mode with Instant Wake-Up: 15mW systems where high performance op amps perform best, ■ Sleep Mode: 10µW eliminating the need for special translation circuitry. ■ True Differential Inputs Reject Common Mode Noise The high common mode rejection allows users to elimi- ■ Input Range (1mV/LSB): 0V to 4.096V or ±2.048V nate ground loops and common mode noise by measuring ■ Internal Reference Can Be Overdriven Externally signals differentially from the source. ■ 3-Wire Interface to DSPs and Processors (SPI and MICROWIRETM Compatible) Outstanding AC performance includes 72dB S/(N + D) and
–93dB SFDR at the Nyquist input frequency of 1.1MHz
with dual ±5V supplies and –84dB SFDR with a single 5V supply. ■ Telecommunications ■ High Speed Data and Signal Acquisition The LTC1402 has two power saving modes: Nap and ■ Digitally Multiplexed Data Acquisition Systems Sleep. Nap mode consumes only 15mW of power and can ■ Digital Radio Receivers wake up and convert immediately. In Sleep mode, it ■ typically consumes 10 Spectrum Analysis µW of power. Upon power-up from ■ Sleep mode, a reference ready (REFRDY) signal is avail- Low Power and Battery-Operated Systems ■ able in the serial data word to indicate that the reference Handheld or Portable Instruments ■ has settled and the chip is ready to convert. Imaging Systems The 3-wire serial port allows compact and efficient data , LTC and LT are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. transfer to a wide range of microprocessors, microcon- MICROWIRE is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corp. trollers and DSPs. A digital output driver power supply pin allows direct connection to 3V or lower logic.
5V 3V OR 5V
5 Harmonic THD, 2nd, 3rd and SFDR vs Input Frequency (Unipolar)
1 AV 12 DV 11 OV DD DD DD 10µF 0 THD 3 –10 SFDR A + IN –20 2ND SAMPLE- OUTPUT 10 12-BIT ADC 3RD AND-HOLD D –30 BUFFER OUT 4 f A – SAMPLE = 2.22MHz IN –40 –50 5 4.096V VREF –60 10µF 64k –70 – 8 –80 BIP/UNI 64k + 16 THD, SFDR, 2ND 3RD (dB) –90 7 2.048 CONV GAIN TIMING 15 –100 REFERENCE LOGIC SCK LTC1402 –110 1402 TA01 14 V 2 AGND1 6 AGND2 13 DGND 9 OGND –120 SS 104 105 106 107 10µF INPUT FREQUENCY (Hz) –5V OR 0V 1401 G05 1