Datasheet AMP02 (Analog Devices)

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
DescriptionHigh Accuracy 8-Pin Instrumentation Amplifier
Pages / Page13 / 1 — High Accuracy. Instrumentation Amplifier. AMP02. FEATURES. FUNCTIONAL …
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High Accuracy. Instrumentation Amplifier. AMP02. FEATURES. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM. Low Offset Voltage: 100. V max Low Drift: 2

Datasheet AMP02 Analog Devices, Revision: E

Text Version of Document

High Accuracy Instrumentation Amplifier AMP02 FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Low Offset Voltage: 100

V max Low Drift: 2


C max 8-Lead PDIP and CERDIP 16-Lead SOIC Wide Gain Range: 1 to 10,000 High Common-Mode Rejection: 115 dB min RG 1 8 RG NC 1 16 NC High Bandwidth (G = 1000): 200 kHz typ 1 2 –IN 2 7 RG 2 15 Gain Equation Accuracy: 0.5% max V+ 1 RG2 Single Resistor Gain Set +IN 3 6 OUT NC 3 14 NC Input Overvoltage Protection V– 4 5 REFERENCE –IN 4 13 V+ Low Cost +IN 5 12 SENSE Available in Die Form NC 6 11 OUT V– 7 10 REFERENCE APPLICATIONS NC 8 9 NC Differential Amplifier Strain Gage Amplifier NC = NO CONNECT Thermocouple Amplifier V+ RTD Amplifier Programmable Gain Instrumentation Amplifier 3 7 +IN Medical Instrumentation 1 RG1 R 6 OUT Data Acquisition Systems G 8 RG2 2 5 –IN + 4 REFERENCE V– V 50k

G = = + 1 OUT
( )
Figure 1. Basic Circuit Connections
Due to the AMP02’s design, its bandwidth remains very high The AMP02 is the first precision instrumentation amplifier over a wide range of gain. Slew rate is over 4 V/µs, making the available in an 8-lead package. Gain of the AMP02 is set by a AMP02 ideal for fast data acquisition systems. single external resistor and can range from 1 to 10,000. No A reference pin is provided to allow the output to be referenced gain set resistor is required for unity gain. The AMP02 includes to an external dc level. This pin may be used for offset correc- an input protection network that allows the inputs to be taken tion or level shifting as required. In the 8-lead package, sense is 60 V beyond either supply rail without damaging the device. internally connected to the output. Laser trimming reduces the input offset voltage to under 100 µV. For an instrumentation amplifier with the highest precision, Output offset voltage is below 4 mV, and gain accuracy is better consult the AMP01 data sheet. than 0.5% for a gain of 1000. ADI’s proprietary thin-film resis- tor process keeps the gain temperature coefficient under 50 ppm/°C. REV. E Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise
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Document Outline FEATURES APPLICATIONS FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ORDERING GUIDE WAFER TEST LIMITS Typical Performance Characteristics APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Input and Output Offset Voltages Input Bias and Offset Currents Gain Common-Mode Rejection Grounding Sense and Reference Terminals Overvoltage Protection Power Supply Considerations OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Revision History