Datasheet HMC362 (Analog Devices) - 3

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
DescriptionGaAs HBT MMIC DIVIDE-BY-4, DC - 11 GHz
Pages / Page6 / 3 — HMC362. GaAs HBT MMIC. DIVIDE-BY-4, DC - 11 GHz. Output Voltage Waveform, …
File Format / SizePDF / 312 Kb
Document LanguageEnglish

HMC362. GaAs HBT MMIC. DIVIDE-BY-4, DC - 11 GHz. Output Voltage Waveform, Pin= 0 dBm, Fout= 882 MHz, T= 25 °C

HMC362 GaAs HBT MMIC DIVIDE-BY-4, DC - 11 GHz Output Voltage Waveform, Pin= 0 dBm, Fout= 882 MHz, T= 25 °C

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Text Version of Document

Output Voltage Waveform, Pin= 0 dBm, Fout= 882 MHz, T= 25 °C Absolute Maximum Ratings
300 RF Input (Vcc = +5V) +13 dBm IP Vcc +5.5V 200 H VLogic Vcc -1.6V to Vcc -1.2V 100 Storage Temperature -65 to +150 °C Operating Temperature -55 to +85 °C 0 S - C R -100 AMPLITUDE (mV) E -200 ID ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICE OBSERVE HANDLING PRECAUTIONS -300 IV 22.7 23.1 23.5 23.9 24.3 24.7 TIME (nS) Y D
Typical Supply Current vs. Vcc
Vcc (V) Icc (mA) NC 4.75 61 E 5.0 68 U 5.25 74 Q Note: Divider will operate over full voltage range shown above E R F
Outline Drawing Die Packaging Information
[1] NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (MILLIMETERS) Standard Alternate 2. ALL TOLERANCES ARE ±0.001 (0.025) WP-8 (Waffle Pack) [2] 3. DIE THICKNESS IS 0.004 (0.100) BACKSIDE IS GROUND 4. BOND PADS ARE 0.004 (0.100) SQUARE [1] Refer to the “Packaging Information” section for die 5. BOND PAD SPACING, CTR-CTR: 0.006 (0.150) packaging dimensions. 6. BACKSIDE METALLIZATION: GOLD [2] For alternate packaging information contact Hittite 7. BOND PAD METALLIZATION: GOLD Microwave Corporation. Information furnish F ed obr pri y Anal ce, de og Device li s vie s r beyli, a eve nd to pla d to be accura ce o te and rder reliabl s e , pl . Ho ease co wever, no For price, delivery, and to place orders: Analog Devices, Inc., responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other ntact Hittite Microwave Corporation: One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106 rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No
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