Datasheet HMC675LC3C (Analog Devices)

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
Description10 GHz Latched Comparator with RSCML Output Stage
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HMC675LC3C. 10 GHz LATCHED COMPARATOR. WITH RSCML OUTPUT STAGE. Typical Applications. Features. Functional Diagram

Datasheet HMC675LC3C Analog Devices

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The HMC675LC3C is ideal for: Equivalent Input Bandwidth: 10 GHz T • ATE Applications Propagation Delay: 100 ps M • High Speed Instrumentation Overdrive & Slew Rate Dispersion: 10 ps • Digital Receiver Systems Minimum Pulse Width: 60 ps S - S • Pulse Spectroscopy Resistor Programmable Hysteresis R • High Speed Trigger Circuits Differential Latch Control O • Clock & Data Restoration Power Dissipation: 100 mW AT RSPECL and RSECL Versions Available R 16 Lead 3x3 mm SMT Package: 9 mm2 A P
Functional Diagram General Description
The HMC675LC3C is a SiGe monolithic, ultra fast OM comparator that features reduced swing (RS) CML C output drivers and latch inputs. The comparator supports 10 Gbps operation while providing 100 ps propagation delay and 60 ps minimum pulse width with 0.2 ps rms random jitter (RJ). Overdrive and slew rate dispersion are typical y 10 ps, making the device ideal for a wide range of applications from ATE to broadband communications. The reduced swing CML output stage is designed to directly drive 400 mV into 50 ohms terminated to GND. The HMC675LC3C features high speed latch and programmable hysteresis and may be configured to operate in either latch mode, or as a tracking comparator.
Electrical Specifications TA = +25 ºC, Vcci= +3.3 V, Vcco = 0 V, Vee = -3 V, V = 0 TERM
Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max Units Input Voltage Range -2 2 V Input Differential Voltage -1.75 1.75 V Input Offset Voltage ±5 mV Input Offset Voltage, Temperature Coefficient 15 µV / °C Input Bias Current 15 uA Input Bias Current Temperature Coefficient 50 nA / °C Input Offset Current 4 µA Input Impedance 50 Ω Common Mode Input Impedance 350 KΩ Differential Input Impedance 15 KΩ Active Gain 43 dB Common Mode Rejection Ratio 80 dB Hysteresis Rhys = ∞ ±1 mV I F nf o or r p mati r o in cfe ur , d nish e e l d iv b e y r A y a nalo n g d t Devi o p ces i la s c bele o ieve rd d t e o rbs e : H acc iutrtatite e M and ic reli rao bl w e. a H v o e C wever o , nrp o For price, delivery, and to place orders: Analog Devices, Inc., responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other oration, 2 Elizabeth Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824 One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 O rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No rd Phoe n r O e: 7 n- 81-li 3 n 2 e a 9-4 t w 70 ww 0 • O . rdh e itt r o it nle i . n co e a m
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