Datasheet LTC6228, LTC6229 (Analog Devices)

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
Description0.88nV/√Hz 730MHz, 500V/µs, Low Distortion Rail-to-Rail Output Op Amps with Shutdown
Pages / Page30 / 1 — FEATURES. DESCRIPTION. Ultra Low Voltage Noise: 0.88nV/√Hz. Low …
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FEATURES. DESCRIPTION. Ultra Low Voltage Noise: 0.88nV/√Hz. Low Distortion at High Speeds:. HD2/HD3 < −100dBc (Av = +1, 4V

Datasheet LTC6228, LTC6229 Analog Devices, Revision: B

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LTC6228/LTC6229 0.88nV/√Hz 730MHz, 500V/µs, Low Distortion Rail-to-Rail Output Op Amps with Shutdown
Ultra Low Voltage Noise: 0.88nV/√Hz
6228/LTC6229 are single/dual very fast, low n
Low Distortion at High Speeds:
noise rail-to-rail output, unity gain stable op amps. They
HD2/HD3 < −100dBc (Av = +1, 4V
have a gain-bandwidth product of 890MHz and a slew rate
P-P, 2MHz, RL = 1k
High Slew Rate: 500V/μs
of 500V/μs. The low input referred voltage noise of only n 0.88nV/√Hz and low distortion performance of better than
GBW = 890MHz
n −100dB at 4V
–3dB Frequency (A
P-P even for signals as fast as 2MHz make
V = +1): 730MHz
n them ideal for applications that require high dynamic Input Offset Voltage: 250μV Max Across Temperature n range and deal with high slew rate signals, such as driving Offset Drift :0.4μV/°C A/D converters. Additional features include Shutdown and n Input Common Mode Range Includes Negative Rail the ability to enable/disable internal bias current cancel- n Output Swings Rail-to-Rail lation to optimize noise performance. n Supply Current: 16mA/Channel Typ n Shutdown Supply Current = 500µA The combination of low offset, low offset drift, high gain n and high CMRR make the LTC6228 family the superior Operating Supply Range: 2.8V to 11.75V n choice for wide dynamic range applications. Large Output Current: 80mA Min n Very High Open Loop Gain: 5.6V/μV (135dB), RL = 1kΩ The LTC6228 family maintains excellent performance for n Operating Temp Range: –40°C to 125°C supply voltages of 2.8V to 11.75V and the devices are n Singles in 8-Lead SOIC, TSOT-23, DC-6, Duals in specified at supplies of 3V, 5V and 10V(±5V). With an DD10, MS8 input range extending to the negative rail and an out- put range that encompasses the entire supply range, the
operational amplifier can accommodate wide swinging signals, and single supply operation. n Optical Electronics: Fast Transimpedance Amplifiers n For space constrained PCB layouts, the LTC6228 is avail- Driving High Dynamic Range A/D Converters n able in a 2mm × 2mm DFN and the LTC6229 is available in a Active Filters 3mm × 3mm DFN. The amplifiers are also available in con- n Video Amplifiers ventional leaded packages. These amplifiers can be used n High Speed Differential to Single-Ended Conversion as improved replacements for many high speed op amps n Low Voltage Hi-Fi Amplification to improve speed, noise, distortion and dynamic range. All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
TYPICAL APPLICATION System Performance: 2 x LTC6228 Driving LTC2387-18 8192 Point FFT, –1dBFS LTC6228 Based Driver for the LTC2387-18 SAR ADC fSMPL = 15Msps, fIN = 1MHz
0 7.3V 7.5V P-P 1MHz INPUT SIGNAL SNR = 93.4dB 4.096V + –20 SFDR = 95dB CLK LTC6228 THD = –93.8dB 0V DCO –40 LVDS – 25Ω IN+ DA INTERFACE –60 82pF DB LTC2387-18 –80 82pF TWOLANES AMPLITUDE (dBFS) –100 4.096V + IN– TESTPAT 25Ω VCM PD –120 LTC6228 0.1µF 0V SAMPLE – CNV REFB CLOCK –140 –2.5V 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 FREQUENCY (MHz) 6228 TA01a 6228 TA02 Rev. B Document Feedback For more information 1 Document Outline Features Applications Typical Application Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Pin Configuration Order Information Electrical Characteristics (VS = ±5V) Electrical Characteristics (VS = 5V, 0V) Electrical Characteristics (VS = 3V, 0V) Typical Performance Characteristics Pin Functions Applications Information Typical Applications Package Description Revision History Typical Application Related Parts