Datasheet DPO2039DABQ-13 (Diodes) - 10

Description4-CH Over-Voltage Protection for CC/DIFF Pins on USB Type-C
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DPO2039DABQ-13. Application Information. General Description. Short to VBUS Protection. Signal Operation Range

DPO2039DABQ-13 Application Information General Description Short to VBUS Protection Signal Operation Range

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DPO2039DABQ-13 Application Information General Description
The DPO2039DABQ-13 is a USB port protection device designed to work with USB Type-C connector, cable and USB PD to form a system that enables signal management and power delivery in a compact package. It provides short to VBUS protection for the CC and DIFF pins over the USB Type-C connector.
Short to VBUS Protection
The DPO2039DABQ-13 is a 4-channel uni-directional power switch with over-voltage protection. This is used to prevent the components inside a
system which adopts the USB Type-C connector from being damaged by unexpected hazard. On the USB Type-C connector, the CC and DIFF
pins are located in the close proximity of the VBUS pin. If ever the CC and/or the DIFF lines are short to the VBUS line either at the USB-C
connector or at the cable end, the components (mostly ICs manufactured on the various sub-micron process nodes) behind the USB Type-C
connector can easily be damaged by the resulting EOS. The damage, if occurred, is likely non-recoverable especially given that the voltage level
on the VBUS line can go up to 20V or slightly higher. The DPO2039DABQ-13 integrates four series over-voltage FETs to protect the system side
CC and DIFF lines. When either line on the Type-C connector side CC1C, CC2C, DIFF1C or DIFF2C is shorted to VBUS line, the
DPO2039DABQ-13 will turn off the over-voltage FETs in less than 100ns window to isolate the system side CC and DIFF lines from the over-
voltage connector side. When shorted to VBUS line is detected, the open-drain FAULTB will output low to indicate a fault condition.
E N Signal Operation Range
Table 1 and Table 2 show the signal operation range and output status: 0V to 5.85V OFF 0V to UVLO (Invalid) 5.85V to 20V OFF 0V to 5.85V ON 2.7V to 5.5V (Valid) 5.85V to 20V OFF: FAULTB Asserted (OVP detected)
Table 1. Signal Operation Range for CCx
0V to 4.35V OFF 0V to UVLO (Invalid) 4.35V to 20V OFF 0V to 4.35V ON 2.7V to 5.5V (Valid) 4.35V to 20V OFF: FAULTB Asserted (OVP detected)
Table 2. Signal Operation Range for DIFFx
DPO2039DABQ-13 10 of 13 December 2019 Document number: DS41005 Rev. 1 - 2
© Diodes Incorporated