link to page 1 DATA Complementary Bipolar 15 AMPERES Power Transistors COMPLEMENTARYSILICON POWER MJL3281A (NPN) TRANSISTORS MJL1302A (PNP) 260 VOLTS200 WATTSFeatures Exceptional Safe Operating Area PNPNPN NPN/PNP Gain Matching within 10% from 50 mA to 5 A COLLECTOR 2, 4 COLLECTOR 2, 4 Excellent Gain Linearity High BVCEO 1 1 High Frequency BASE BASE These Devices are Pb−Free and are RoHS Compliant* Benefits EMITTER 3 EMITTER 3 Reliable Performance at Higher Powers Symmetrical Characteristics in Complementary Configurations MARKING DIAGRAM Accurate Reproduction of Input Signal Greater Dynamic Range High Amplifier Bandwidth MJLxxxxA Applications AYYWWG 1 2 High−End Consumer Audio Products 3 Home Amplifiers TO−264 1 3 CASE 340G Home Receivers BASE EMITTER STYLE 2 Professional Audio Amplifiers 2 COLLECTOR Theater and Stadium Sound Systems xxxx = 3281 or 1302 Public Address Systems (PAs) A = Location Code YY = Year WW = Work Week MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted) G = Pb−Free Package RatingSymbolValueUnit Collector−Emitter Voltage V ORDERING INFORMATION CEO 260 Vdc Collector−Base Voltage VCBO 260 Vdc DevicePackageShipping Emitter−Base Voltage VEBO 5.0 Vdc MJL3281AG TO−264 25 Units/Rail (Pb−Free) Collector−Emitter Voltage − 1.5 V VCEX 260 Vdc Collector Current − Continuous I MJL1302AG TO−264 25 Units/Rail C 15 Adc (Pb−Free) Collector Current − Peak (Note 1) ICM 25 Adc *For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy Base Current − Continuous IB 1.5 Adc and soldering details, please download the onsemi Total Power Dissipation @ T Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference C = 25C PD 200 Watts Derate Above 25 Manual, SOLDERRM/D. C 1.43 W/C Operating and Storage Junction Tempera- TJ, Tstg − 65 to C ture Range +150 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICSCharacteristicSymbolMaxUnit Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Case RJC 0.625 C/W Stresses exceeding those listed in the Maximum Ratings table may damage the device. If any of these limits are exceeded, device functionality should not be assumed, damage may occur and reliability may be affected. 1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 5 ms, Duty Cycle < 10%. Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2013 1 Publication Order Number: October, 2024 − Rev. 12MJL3281A/D