P-channel silicon field-effect transistors Silicon symmetrical p-channel junction FETs in a plastic TO-92 envelope and intended for application with analog switches, choppers, commutators etc.
P-channel silicon field-effect transistors Silicon symmetrical p-channel junction FETs in a plastic TO-92 envelope and intended for application with analog switches, choppers, commutators etc.
P-channel silicon field-effect transistors Silicon symmetrical p-channel junction FETs in a plastic TO-92 envelope and intended for application with analog switches, choppers, commutators etc.
P-channel silicon field-effect transistors Silicon symmetrical p-channel junction FETs in a plastic TO-92 envelope and intended for application with analog switches, choppers, commutators etc.
General purpose CMOS timer No Longer Manufactured The ICM7555 is a CMOS timer providing significantly improved performance over the standard NE/SE555 timer, while at the same time being a direct replacement for those devices in most applications. ...
65 V, 100 mA NPN/NPN general-purpose transistor pair Specifications: Collector Emitter Voltage V(br)ceo: 65 V DC Collector Current: 100 mA DC Current Gain: 200 Number of Pins: 6 Operating Temperature Range: -55°C to +150°C Power Dissipation: 250 mW ...