Datasheets - Bipolar Single Transistors - 3

Subsection: "Bipolar Single Transistors"
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  1. Power Transistor
  2. Quad General Purpose Transistor This device is for use as a medium power amplifier and switch requiring collector currents up to 500 mA.
  1. Quad General Purpose Transistor This device is for use as a medium power amplifier and switch requiring collector currents up to 500 mA.
  2. Quad General Purpose Transistor This device is for use as a medium power amplifier and switch requiring collector currents up to 500 mA.
  3. Silicon PNP Triple Diffused Type
  4. Silicon NPN Power Transistor
  5. Silicon PNP Power Transistor
  6. NPN Switching Transistor This device is designed for high speed saturation switching at collector currents of 10 mA to 100 mA.
  7. 0.5 A, 350 V NPN Bipolar Power Transistor These devices are designed for use in line-operated equipment such as audio output amplifiers; low-current, high-voltage converters; and AC line relays.
  8. 0.5 A, 350 V NPN Bipolar Power Transistor These devices are designed for use in line-operated equipment such as audio output amplifiers; low-current, high-voltage converters; and AC line relays.
  9. 0.5 A, 350 V NPN Bipolar Power Transistor These devices are designed for use in line-operated equipment such as audio output amplifiers; low-current, high-voltage converters; and AC line relays.
  10. 0.5 A, 350 V NPN Bipolar Power Transistor These devices are designed for use in line-operated equipment such as audio output amplifiers; low-current, high-voltage converters; and AC line relays.
  11. 0.5 A, 350 V NPN Bipolar Power Transistor These devices are designed for use in line-operated equipment such as audio output amplifiers; low-current, high-voltage converters; and AC line relays.
  12. 0.5 A, 350 V NPN Bipolar Power Transistor These devices are designed for use in line-operated equipment such as audio output amplifiers; low-current, high-voltage converters; and AC line relays.
  13. NPN Silicon Phototransistor Chips
  14. Datasheet Diodes ZTX788B
    Транзистор PNP, 15V, 3A, E-Line
  15. Datasheet Diodes ZTX690B
    Транзистор NPN, 45V, 2A, E-Line
  16. Datasheet Diodes ZTX690BSTZ
    Транзистор NPN, 45V, 2A, E-Line
  17. Транзистор NPN, 45V, 2A, E-Line
  18. Power Bipolar Transistor, NPN, 15 A, 80 V / General Purpose and Low VCE(sat) Transistors These series of plastic, NPN and PNP power transistors can be used as general purpose power amplification and switching such as output or driver stages in ...