Analog Devices Expands Industry Leading Flash LED Driver Portfolio

Analog Devices ADP1649 ADP1660

New flash LED drivers offer best efficiency for next-generation smartphones.

Analog Devices (ADI) introduced two flash LED drivers. The ADP1660 is a dual 750-mA (1500-mA total) flash LED driver available in a 2.0-mm × 1.6-mm 12-ball WLCSP package. The ADP1649 is a single 1000-mA LED driver available in a 2.0-mm × 1.5-mm 12-ball WLCSP package. Both parts exhibit best in class efficiency to extend battery life in smartphones and tablets and to limit the load on the battery during flash and torch events.

“Minimizing the current drawn from the battery during flash or torch mode is critical in today’s smartphone applications as new features and higher data rates increasingly load down the battery,” said Brian Wengreen, marketing manager, Power Management Products, Analog Devices. “The ADP1649 and ADP1660 not only have the industry’s lowest Rds(on) power FETs, which boosts efficiency and reduces input current, they also have special features, for example algorithms that adjust flash current autonomously during low battery conditions.”

Analog Devices - ADP1660

More About the ADP1649/ADP1660 Flash LED Drivers

The ADP1649 and ADP1660 flash LED drivers reduce circuit board size by integrating a programmable 1.5-MHz or 3-MHz synchronous inductive boost converter which enables the use of a 1-mm-high, low-cost, 1-μH power inductor and 0603 case-size input and output capacitors. The two devices include I2C communication ports for added flexibility and safety control. The interface also enables the programmability of timers, currents and status bit readback.

Analog Devices - ADP1660

A Tx masking feature is included to reduce the risk of overloading the battery during a simultaneous power amplifier (PA) transmission burst and flash event. The masking feature can be used to quickly reduce the flash LED current during the PA burst to maintain an acceptable load on the battery.

Pricing and Availability

Full Production
Price Each Per 1k
12-ball WLCSP
$100.00 each
12-ball WLCSP
$100.00 each