NXP releas New LPC Microcontroller Streamlines Motor Control


NXP Semiconductors announced the release of the LPC1500 microcontroller series, optimized for fast, easy, and high-precision motor control. The new microcontrollers incorporate all the features required for high-accuracy sensored and sensorless motor control, enabling simultaneous control of two motors in highly flexible configurations. With ultra-efficient motor control firmware, easy-to-use GUI-based tuning tools, and two new motor control solution kits, NXP LPC1500 microcontrollers simplify evaluation and development of motor control applications, without requiring deep motor control experience.


The LPC1500 MCUs are optimized for use with a wide range of brushless DC (BLDC) motors, permanent-magnet synchronous motors (PMSM), and AC induction motors (ACIM) commonly found in products such as large home appliances, HVAC, industrial pumps and generators, and more. They are also well suited for industrial applications requiring high-precision data sampling and real-time control, such as digital power and instrumentation.

Based on the ARM® Cortex™-M3 processor, the LPC1500 microcontroller series is optimized to address a variety of motor control applications. Two 12-bit, 12-channel, 2 Msps ADCs and an on-chip quadrature encoder interface (QEI) enable highly accurate control of both sensored and sensorless motor combinations. Four on-chip comparators enable fast-response over-current/voltage monitoring and protection; and four flexible SCTimer/PWM timers provide up to 28 PWM channels in a tightly coupled analog and timing subsystem, with minimal load on the CPU.

The LPC1500 is available with two complete motor control kits, including baseboards, motors, and free firmware:

  • The PMSM Motor Control Solution demonstrates (FOC) motor control for sensored and sensorless PM motors;
  • The BLDC Motor Control Solution demonstrates classical trapezoidal motor control functionality on a sensored BLDC motor.

Together, the LPC1500 tools and solutions help developers put powerful LPC1500 MCUs to work in a variety of motor control applications.

The LPC1500 series of microcontrollers are fully supported by the LPC software ecosystem and an extensive collection of tools, drivers and middleware. Developers can choose from the free NXP LPCXpresso development platform, incorporating a full featured C/C++ toolchain and IDE, or from other popular tools such as those from Keil and IAR.

Key LPC1500 Features

  • Supports two motors:
    • Two 12-bit, 12-channel, 2 Msps ADCs with 500 ns ADC conversion time;
    • QEI.
  • Advanced analog subsystem and high-precision timing, ideal for PID control loops:
    • Four SCTimer/PWM modules, with average PWM resolution <1ns;
    • Four fast comparators with 68 ns propagation delay;
    • Interconnected SCTimer/PWM, ADCs and comparators;
    • ADC triggered by SCTimer/PWM.
  • 72 MHz ARM Cortex-M3 processor:
  • Connectivity: CAN module for industrial connectivity and USB simplifies field upgrades;
  • Free FOC and BLDC motor control firmware;
  • GUI-based calibration/tuning tools.
