The framers interface to a variety of line interface units (LIUs), microprocessor buses, and other system components without glue logic. Each framer channel has its own HDLC controller, FEAC controller, bit error-rate tester (BERT), as well as full support for error detection and generation, performance monitoring, and loopbacks.
Other features include: framing and formatting to M23 DS3, C-Bit Parity DS3, and G.751 E3; NRZ or dual-rail LIU interface; optional B3ZS/HDB3 encoder and decoder; per-channel power-down; and 8-bit microprocessor interface. Each framer channel is independently configurable.
The four DS314_ devices are pin-compatible to give customers the ability to offer several different port counts for the same linecard design. In each device, channels are independently configurable for DS3 or E3 operation. The DS314_ devices operate from a 3.3V supply and have 5V tolerant I/Os. All four products are available in a 13mm 144-pin CSBGA package in both commercial (0°C to +70°C) and industrial (-40°C to +85°C) operating temperature ranges. Prices start at $12.49 per port for the commercial temperature range, and $14.36 per port for industrial (1000-up, FOB USA).