Compared to 2N2222A and 2N2907A bipolar transistors, IR's RAD-Hard MOSFETs require less energy, switch faster and feature a lower on-state resistance. Packaged in a UB (3LCC) surface-mount or through-hole package, they are a compact, lightweight, hermetic alternative to bipolar devices.
The new devices, IRHLUB7970Z4 and IRHLUB770Z4, can be driven directly from industry-standard logic gates, linear ICs, or micro-controllers that operate from a low voltage source of 3.3 to 5V. They are available in screened and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) versions.
Part Number | Gate Drive | BVDSS | Polarity | VGS(th) | RDS(on) | Rad Level |
IRHLUB7970Z4 | Logic Level, 5V, CMOS & TTL | -60V | P-Channel | -1.0 to -2.0V | 1.2Ohm | 100k rad, (Si) TID |
IRHLUB770Z4 | Logic Level, 5V, CMOS & TTL | 60V | N-Channel | 1.0 to 2.0V | 0.55Ohm | 100k rad, (Si) TID |
Notes:SEE hardened to LET 82 MeV/(mg/cm2) (Gold) |
Availability and Pricing
The new logic-level MOSFETs are available now. Pricing for the IRHLUB7970Z4 and IRHLUB770Z4 begins at US $80.00 each, both in 500-unit quantities.