Product brochure RTE Oscilloscope (Rohde&Schwarz) - 6

DescriptionRTE Oscilloscope
Pages / Page38 / 6 — High-resolution touchscreen. High-resolution 10.4. XGA touchscreen. …
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Document LanguageEnglish

High-resolution touchscreen. High-resolution 10.4. XGA touchscreen. Optimized for touchscreen operation

High-resolution touchscreen High-resolution 10.4 XGA touchscreen Optimized for touchscreen operation

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High-resolution touchscreen
More fun to use The high-resolution 10.4" XGA touchscreen is one of the highlights of the R&S®RTE. The oscilloscope is optimized for touchscreen operation: ❙
High-resolution 10.4
XGA touchscreen
❙Drag & drop signals and measurement results where you ❙
Optimized for touchscreen operation
want on the screen ❙
Drag & drop signals and measurement results
❙Define zoom and measurement ranges with your finger
flexibly on the screen
❙Scale and position dialog boxes on the screen as required ❙
Results are only two clicks away thanks to
❙Activate and configure measurements, histograms and
powerful toolbar
FFT analyses by touch ❙
Convenient tools such as QuickMeas,
❙Adjust cursors, offsets and the trigger level by touching
fingertip zoom and undo/redo
the lines ❙Create masks in only seconds
Fully customizable display
When working with multiple signals, the screen becomes easily cluttered. R&S®RTE oscilloscopes are different. They display waveforms, buses and measurement re- sults in realtime in the form of signal icons on the edge of the screen. These miniature views can be dragged and dropped onto the main screen. When multiple waveforms need to be displayed simultaneously, the Rohde & Schwarz SmartGrid function helps the user to keep the screen well organized by flexibly dividing it into several diagrams or tabs. Individual waveforms can be displayed in a clear, well-structured manner. The A/D converter range is opti- mally used for highest accuracy.
Fast access to important tools R&S®RTE toolbar
A toolbar at the upper edge of the screen provides ac- undo update reference cess to frequently used functions such as measurements, waveform zoom, FFT and the recycle bin. The toolbar can be custom- redo label ized to contain the user’s favorite tools. Related tools are clearly organized in groups. There are just two steps in- help default settings volved in using a function: selecting the tool and applying it to the waveform. instrument setups autoset
Semi-transparent dialog boxes with signal flow
activate/deactivate find trigger level
signalbar Signal flow diagrams in the dialog boxes visualize the selection tool run single measurement signal processing, making it easier to configure measure- ments. Crosslinks take you directly to logically related zoom run/stop settings. Forward/back buttons help to navigate quickly between dialog boxes. Semi-transparent dialog boxes are cursor save waveform an elegant way of keeping everything in view. The mea- surement diagrams always maintain their original size. The mask test clear screen level of transparency can be set via the intensity button. Users can scale the dialog boxes and position them any- histogram capture screenshot where on the screen. automatic save settings measurements QuickMeas recycle bin FFT search
RTE_bro_en_3606-9033-12_v1400.indd 6 11.06.2018 14:09:34