Product brochure RTE Oscilloscope (Rohde&Schwarz) - 7

DescriptionRTE Oscilloscope
Pages / Page38 / 7 — Signal details at your fingertip. Documentation at the push of a button. …
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Signal details at your fingertip. Documentation at the push of a button. Selection of languages

Signal details at your fingertip Documentation at the push of a button Selection of languages

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Signal details at your fingertip Documentation at the push of a button
Zoom is a standard oscilloscope tool for analyzing the de- R&S®RTE oscilloscopes help you document tails of a captured signal. R&S®RTE oscilloscopes also offer measurements: other useful features: ❙Print or save screenshots of the waveforms and results ❙Easy definition of zoom ranges with a finger ❙Easily read signal characteristics thanks to clear grid ❙Hardware zoom: automatic adjustment of settings for annotations vertical and horizontal scaling to display a selected range ❙Mark and label anomalies directly in the diagram ❙Fingertip zoom: open a horizontal zoom range in the ❙Save waveforms, histograms and measurement results in signal (view signal characteristics by using a finger or the different formats (e.g. binary or csv file) for in-depth data mouse to drag the zoom window along the signal; click analysis using PC software the keep function to open the normal zoom)
Selection of languages Fast access to instrument setups
The R&S®RTE oscilloscopes' user interface supports multi- Oscilloscopes allow users to save instrument settings and ple languages. The language can be changed in just a few recall them at any time. R&S®RTE oscilloscopes make it seconds – while the instrument is running. The R&S®RTE is very easy to select the right setup: just click the instru- a true international instrument. ment setup icon on the toolbar to open a dialog box with all of the saved configurations. Each configuration has a screenshot that shows the screen at the time at which it was saved. The user can take advantage of these screenshots to quickly scroll through the possible choices.
Remote control access
R&S®RTE oscilloscopes can also be remote controlled us- ing a PC or other device via remote desktop or VNC. The user sees the same user interface and uses the same func- tions as on the oscilloscope itself. The user can drag & drop waveforms and result windows on the screen. The Rohde & Schwarz SmartGrid function helps users arrange multiple diagrams or tabs on the screen. The size of individu- al diagrams can be further optimized by dragging the edges of the windows.
Rohde & Schwarz
R&S®RTE Oscilloscope
RTE_bro_en_3606-9033-12_v1400.indd 7 11.06.2018 14:09:34