Datasheet RTE Digital oscilloscope (Rohde&Schwarz) - 8

DescriptionDigital Oscilloscope Specifications
Pages / Page44 / 8 — Version 16.01, November 2017. High definition mode. Trigger system. Main …
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Version 16.01, November 2017. High definition mode. Trigger system. Main trigger modes. Rohde & Schwarz

Version 16.01, November 2017 High definition mode Trigger system Main trigger modes Rohde & Schwarz

Text Version of Document

Version 16.01, November 2017
Ultra segmented mode continuous recording of waveforms in acquisition memory without interruption due to visualization max. realtime waveform acquisition > 1 600 000 waveforms/s rate min. blind time between consecutive < 400 ns acquisitions
High definition mode
General description The high definition mode increases the numeric resolution of the waveform signal by using digital filtering, leading to a reduced noise. Because of the R&S®RTE digital trigger concept, the signals with increased numeric resolution are used as input for triggering. Numeric resolution bandwidth bit resolution 10 kHz to 30 MHz 16 bit 50 MHz 14 bit 100 MHz 13 bit 200 MHz 12 bit 300 MHz 11 bit 500 MHz 10 bit Realtime sampling rate max. 2.5 Gsample/s on each channel
Trigger system
Sources R&S®RTE1022, R&S®RTE1032, channel 1, channel 2 R&S®RTE1052, R&S®RTE1102, R&S®RTE1152, R&S®RTE1202 R&S®RTE1024, R&S®RTE1034, channel 1, channel 2, channel 3, channel 4 R&S®RTE1054, R&S®RTE1104, R&S®RTE1154, R&S®RTE1204 Sensitivity trigger hysteresis mode auto (standard) or manual range 0 V to 5 div × input sensitivity Trigger jitter full-scale sine wave of frequency set to < 1 ps (RMS) (meas.) –3 dB bandwidth Coupling mode standard same as selected channel lowpass filter cutoff frequency selectable from 50 kHz to 50 % of analog bandwidth Sweep mode auto, normal, single, n single Event rate max. one event for every 800 ps time interval Trigger level range ±5 div from center of screen Holdoff range time 100 ns to 10 s, fixed and random events 1 event to 2 000 000 000 events
Main trigger modes
Edge triggers on specified slope (positive, negative or either) and level Glitch triggers on glitches of positive, negative or either polarity that are shorter or longer than specified width glitch width 200 ps to 1000 s Width triggers on positive or negative pulse of specified width; width can be shorter, longer, inside or outside the interval pulse width 200 ps to 1000 s Runt triggers on pulse of positive, negative or either polarity that crosses one threshold but fails to cross a second threshold before crossing the first one again; runt pulse width can be arbitrary, shorter, longer, inside or outside the interval runt pulse width 200 ps to 1000 s Window triggers when signal enters or exits a specified voltage range; triggers also when signal stays inside or outside the voltage range for a specified period of time Timeout triggers when signal stays high, low or unchanged for a specified period of time timeout 200 ps to 1000 s Interval triggers when time between two consecutive edges of same slope (positive or negative) is shorter, longer, inside or outside a specified range interval time 200 ps to 1000 s
8 Rohde & Schwarz
R&S®RTE Digital Oscilloscope