Datasheet RTE Digital oscilloscope (Rohde&Schwarz) - 7

DescriptionDigital Oscilloscope Specifications
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Version 16.01, November 2017. Horizontal system. Acquisition system. Rohde & Schwarz

Version 16.01, November 2017 Horizontal system Acquisition system Rohde & Schwarz

Text Version of Document

Version 16.01, November 2017 Horizontal system
Timebase range selectable between 50 ps/div and 5000 s/div, time per div settable to any value within range Channel deskew ±100 ns Reference position 0 % to 100 % of measurement display area Trigger offset range max. +(memory depth/current sampling rate) min. –10 000 s Modes normal, roll Channel-to-channel skew < 100 ps (meas.) Timebase accuracy after delivery/calibration, at +23 °C ±2 ppm during calibration interval ±4 ppm Delta time accuracy corresponds to time error between two ±(K/realtime sampling rate + edges on same acquisition and channel; timebase accuracy × |reading|) (peak) signal amplitude greater than 5 divisions, (meas.) measurement threshold set to 50 %, where vertical gain 10 mV/div or greater; K = 0.2 (R&S®RTE1022, R&S®RTE1024) rise time lower than four sample periods; K = 0.24 (R&S®RTE1032, R&S®RTE1034) waveform acquired in realtime mode K = 0.27 (R&S®RTE1052, R&S®RTE1054) K = 0.34 (R&S®RTE1102, R&S®RTE1104) K = 0.38 (R&S®RTE1152, R&S®RTE1154) K = 0.42 (R&S®RTE1202, R&S®RTE1204)
Acquisition system
Realtime sampling rate max. 5 Gsample/s on each channel Realtime waveform acquisition rate max. > 1 000 000 waveforms/s Memory depth 2 R&S®RTE1022, R&S®RTE1032, 50 Msample on 2 channels, R&S®RTE1052, R&S®RTE1102, 100 Msample on 1 channel R&S®RTE1152, R&S®RTE1202 R&S®RTE1024, R&S®RTE1034, 50 Msample on 4 channels, R&S®RTE1054, R&S®RTE1104, 100 Msample on 2 channels, R&S®RTE1154, R&S®RTE1204 200 Msample on 1 channel Decimation modes selection valid for all channels sample first sample in decimation interval peak detect largest and smallest sample in decimation interval high resolution average value of samples in decimation interval root mean square root of squared average of samples in decimation interval Waveform arithmetic selection valid for all channels off no arithmetic envelope envelope of acquired waveforms average average of acquired waveforms, max. average depth depends on decimation mode 3 sample max. 16 777 215 high resolution max. 65 535 root mean square max. 255 reset condition no reset (standard), manual reset Sampling modes realtime mode max. sampling rate set by digitizer interpolated time enhancement of sampling resolution by interpolation; max. equivalent sampling rate is 2 Tsample/s Interpolation modes linear, sin(x)/x, sample&hold 2 The maximum available memory depth depends on the bit depth of the acquired data and, therefore, on the settings of the acquisition system, such as decimation mode, waveform arithmetic, number of waveform streams or high definition mode. 3 Waveform averaging is not compatible with peak detect decimation.
Rohde & Schwarz
R&S®RTE Digital Oscilloscope