Devices: PIM

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  1. Microchip Explorer 16/32 Development Board (DM240001-2)
    .. 16/32 Development Board offers only the main board, giving the option to customize the other necessary components. Choose PIM of your choice based on MCUs and DSCs under consideration from wide range of Processor Plug-In Modules. This board ...
  1. Microchip Explorer 16/32 Development Kit (DM240001-3)
    .. hardware to begin developing and debugging a complete embedded application. The board accepts Processor Plug-In Modules (PIM) designed for the Explorer 16 or Explorer 16/32 development board for easy device swapping. In addition to the ...
  1. Plug-in Module Microchip MA240023
    .. family using the Explorer 16 Demonstration Boards . Most of the pins from the device are mapped directly to the PIM connector (100-Pin ICE). The exceptions are those pins that are remapped to provide remappable functionality to the ...
  2. Microchip PIC32MZ EF Audio 144-pin PIM for Bluetooth Audio Development Kit (MA320018)
    .. PIC32MZ2048EFH144 Bluetooth Audio PIM (MA320018) are designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the PIC32MZ EC and PIC32MZ EF families of devices using ...
  3. Microchip PIC32MZ EF PIM (MA320019)
    .. PIC32MZ Embedded Connectivity with Floating Point Unit (EF) PIM is designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the PIC32MZ Embedded Connectivity with Floating Point Unit (EF) ...
  4. Microchip MCP3912 ADC Evaluation Board system (ADM00499)
    .. platform for 16-bit microcontroller-based applications, using the existing 100-pin PIC microcontroller Plug-in Module (PIM) systems that are compatible with the Explorer 16 Evaluation Board (DM240001) and other high pin count PIC-based ...
  5. Microchip MCP3912 ADC Evaluation Board system (ADM00499)
    .. platform for 16-bit microcontroller-based applications, using the existing 100-pin PIC microcontroller Plug-in Module (PIM) systems that are compatible with Explorer 16 Evaluation Board (DM240001) and other high pin count PIC-based demo ...
  6. Microchip PIC32MX270F256D Plug In Module (MA320013)
    .. can be used for prototyping, demonstration or development --quickly and easily. The PIC32MX270F256D Bluetooth Audio PIM is designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the PIC32MX1XX/2XX family of devices using the PIC32 Bluetooth Audio ...
  7. Microchip PIC32MX270F256D Plug In Module (MA320014)
    .. microcontrollers can be used for prototyping, demonstration or development --quickly and easily. The PIC32MX270F256D PIM is designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the PIC32MX1XX/ 2XX family of devices using Explorer 16 Development ...
  8. Plug-In Module Microchip MA320012
    .. EC PIM (MA320012) The PIC32MZ EC PIM is designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the PIC32MZ Embedded Connectivity ...
  9. General Purpose Plug-In Module Microchip MA330035
    .. General Purpose PIM (MA330035) The dsPIC33EP512GM710 General Purpose plug in module (PIM) comes with a 100-pin dsPIC33EP512GM710 TQFP ...
  10. Plug-In Module Microchip MA330033
    .. Single Motor Internal OpAmp PIM (MA330033) This plug-in module comes with a 64-pin dsPIC33EP512GM706 TQFP device. It enables using the on chip ...
  11. Microchip PIC32 Bluetooth Audio Development Kit (DV320032)
    .. Kit has the following features: PIC32MX450F256L or PIC32MX470F512L 32-bit microcontroller. Hardware selection of PIM or board mounted microcontroller. 6.9V to 14V DC power input (provides +3.3V and +5V (regulated) to kit hardware. ...
  12. Microchip dsPICDEM MCHV-2 Development Board (DM330023-2)
    .. device family and offers a mounting option to connect either a 28-pin SOIC device or a generic 100-pin Plug-In Module (PIM). The system has a three-phase power module device that contains the motor inverter and the gate driver’s ...
  13. Microchip dsPIC33EP256GP506 General Purpose PIM (MA330030)
    .. dsPIC33EP256GP506 General Purpose plug in module (PIM) comes with a 64-pin dsPIC33EP256GP506 TQFP device and enables users to explore the innovative features of the ...
  14. Microchip dsPIC33EP256MC506 Internal OpAmp Motor Control PIM (MA330031)
    .. Internal OpAmp Motor Control PIM This plug-in module comes with a 64-pin dsPIC33EP256MC506 TQFP device. It enables using the on chip internal OpAmps ...
  15. Microchip dsPIC33EP256MC506 External OpAmp Motor Control PIM (MA330031-2)
    .. External OpAmp Motor Control PIM This plug-in module comes with a 64-pin dsPIC33EP256MC506 TQFP device. It enables using the OpAmps on the MCLV-2 ...
  16. Microchip dsPICDEM MCLV-2 Development Board (DM330021-2)
    .. OpAmps found on certain dsPIC devices or the external OpAmps found on the MCLV-2 board. A dsPIC33EP256MC506 Internal OpAmp PIM (MA330031) is included. The board is capable of controlling motors rated up to 48V and 15 Amps, with multiple ...
  17. Evaluation Kit Microchip Parallel SuperFlash Kit 1 (AC243006-1)
    .. Required Development Tools Explorer 16 100 pin Development Board DM240001 PIC24FJ128GA010 Processor Installation Module (PIM) MA240011 MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 9 V Power Supply AC002014 Parallel Flash PICtail ...
  18. PIC18 Development Kit Microchip DV164136
    .. pins, superset of traditional PIC18 family), and a PIC18F87J11 Plug-In Module (128KB Flash, 80-pins, superset of J-series, PIM adjusts to accommodate 3V device). A switch selects the desired processor. Supports many other PIC18 devices with ...

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