Datasheet AD841 (Analog Devices)

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
DescriptionWideband, Unity-Gain Stable, Fast Settling Op Amp
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Wideband, Unity-Gain Stable,. Fast Settling Op Amp. Data Sheet. AD841. FEATURES. CONNECTION DIAGRAMS. AC performance. 14 NC

Datasheet AD841 Analog Devices, Revision: C

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Wideband, Unity-Gain Stable, Fast Settling Op Amp Data Sheet AD841 FEATURES CONNECTION DIAGRAMS AC performance NC 1 14 NC Unity-gain bandwidth: 40 MHz NC 2 AD841 13 NC Fast settling time: 110 ns to 0.01% BALANCE 3 12 BALANCE Slew rate: 300 V/µs –INPUT 4 11 +VS Full power bandwidth: 4.7 MHz for 20 V p-p into a 500 Ω load +INPUT 5 10 OUTPUT –V 9 DC performance S 6 NC TOP VIEW NC 7 (Not to Scale) 8 NC Input offset voltage: 1 mV maximum Input voltage noise: 15 nV/√Hz typical
Open-loop gain: 45 V/mV into a 1 kΩ load
1 Figure 1. PDIP (N-14) Package and CERDIP (Q-14) Package
Output current: 50 mA minimum Supply current: 12 mA maximum LL LL U U APPLICATIONS T N T N E E High speed signal conditioning NC OFFS NC OFFS NC 3 2 1 20 19 Video and pulse amplifiers Data acquisition systems NC 4 18 NC Line drivers –INPUT 5 17 +VS NC 6 16 NC Active filters +INPUT 7 15 OUTPUT Available in 14-pin plastic PDIP, 14-pin hermetic CERDIP, and NC 8 AD841 14 NC 20-pin LCC packages Chips and MIL-STD-883B parts available 9 10 11 12 13 S NC NC NC NC –V
1340- 1 Figure 2. LCC (E-20-1) Package
The AD841 is a member of the Analog Devices, Inc., family of use in high frequency signal conditioning circuits and wide wide bandwidth operational amplifiers. This high speed/high bandwidth active filters. The extremely rapid settling time of precision family includes the AD842, which is stable at a gain of the AD841 makes it the preferred choice for data acquisition two or greater and has 100 mA minimum output current drive. applications that require 12-bit accuracy. The AD841 is also These devices are fabricated using Analog Devices’ junction appropriate for other applications such as high speed DAC and isolated complementary bipolar (CB) process. This process ADC buffer amplifiers and other wide bandwidth circuitry. permits a combination of dc precision and wideband ac perfor-
mance previously unobtainable in a monolithic op amp. In addition to its 40 MHz unity-gain bandwidth product, the 1. The high slew rate and fast settling time of the AD841 AD841 offers extremely fast settling characteristics, typically make it ideal for DAC and ADC buffers, and all types of settling to within 0.01% of final value in 110 ns for a 10 V step. video instrumentation circuitry. 2. The AD841 is a precision amplifier. It offers accuracy to Unlike many high frequency amplifiers, the AD841 requires no 0.01% or better and wide bandwidth performance external compensation. It remains stable over its full operating previously available only in hybrids. temperature range. It also offers a low quiescent current of 3. The AD841’s thermally balanced layout and the speed of 12 mA maximum, a minimum output current drive capability the CB process allow the AD841 to settle to 0.01% in 110 ns of 50 mA, a low input voltage noise of 15 nV/√Hz, and low without the long tails that occur with other fast op amps. input offset voltage of 1 mV maximum. 4. Laser wafer trimming reduces the input offset voltage to The 300 V/µs slew rate of the AD841, along with its 40 MHz 1 mV maximum on the K grade, thus eliminating the need gain bandwidth, ensures excellent performance in video and for external offset nulling in many applications. Offset null pulse amplifier applications. This amplifier is well suited for pins are provided for additional versatility.
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Document Outline Features Applications Connection Diagrams General Description Product Highlights Revision History Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings Thermal Characteristics ESD Caution Typical Performance Characteristics Theory of Operation Offset Nulling Input Considerations AD841 Settling Time Grounding and Bypassing Capacitive Load Driving Ability Terminated Line Driver Overdrive Recovery Outline Dimensions Ordering Guide