Datasheet E522.80, E522.81, E522.82, E522.83 (Elmos)

DescriptionTriple 150mA Linear LED Controller
Pages / Page25 / 1 — Triple. 150mA. Linear. LED. Controller. E522.80/81/82/83. Production. …
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Triple. 150mA. Linear. LED. Controller. E522.80/81/82/83. Production. Data. -. May. 5,. 2017. Features. General. Description. ƒ. Three. independent. Linear

Datasheet E522.80, E522.81, E522.82, E522.83 Elmos

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Triple 150mA Linear LED Controller E522.80/81/82/83 Production Data - May 5, 2017 Features General Description ƒ Three independent Linear Current Drivers (3*150mA) E522.80/81/82/83 family devices provide independent triple ƒ Parallel Output Operation for up to 450mA linear current controller for LED driving (standalone driver or ƒ Low Power Standby / Sleep Mode LED cluster). Diagnostic features are provided to meet auto- ƒ Thermal Management Option per Channel motive requirements, together with a communication inter- ƒ Operating Input Voltage Range 5V to 25V, max. 40V face “RUN” to link ICs to generate more than three channels, ƒ External Reference Voltage / Derating Supported supporting individual current configuration and independent ƒ PWM Dimming (All channels or separate Channels) digital PWM dimming per channel (e.g. for RGB). ƒ Diagnostic Functionalities (LED Driver Open/Short, IR Config Open/Short, Junction Temperature,Supply Voltage) Two external configurable modes of operation allow ƒ Diagnostic Bus to link ICs - either “Failure Feedback Mode” FFM (operating channels in ƒ Selectable “Failure Feedback Mode” or case of errors, with error signalization) “Single Lamp Behaviour” - or in “Single Lamp Mode” (turning all linked E522.8x´s chan- ƒ AEC-Q100 Qualification nels “off” in case of errors) Applications An intelligent power management system is provided using ƒ Automotive LED Lighting, Rear Lighting an external shunt resistor to share power distribution be- ƒ Turn Indicator Driver tween IC package and external heat sink. Hotspot genera- ƒ Medium Current Interior Lighting tion can be avoided by flexible heat spreading on the printed ƒ Industrial LED Applications or RGB Drivers board. Internal derating for reference voltage and over-tem- perature shutdown for extreme temperatures >180°C pro- Ordering Information tect E522.8x in case of abnormal operation conditions. Ordering-No.: TempJunc Range Package A high voltage capable input ENA can be used to either digi- E52280A97D -40°C to +150°C SOIC16N-EP tally enable or disable E522.8x. In addition, this input may be E52281A97D -40°C to +150°C SOIC16N-EP used as analog reference voltage input to realize e.g. thermal E52282A97D -40°C to +150°C SOIC16N-EP derating. E52283A97D -40°C to +150°C SOIC16N-EP E52280A97D001 1) -40°C to +150°C SOIC16N-EP E52281A97D001 1) -40°C to +150°C SOIC16N-EP E52282A97D001 1) -40°C to +150°C SOIC16N-EP E52283A97D001 1) -40°C to +150°C SOIC16N-EP 1) High Precision Version Typical Application Circuit Switched Supply VS RUNx ENA RUNy Supply HV DIAG RUNz E522.8x Reference Open RUN Drain I/O OVT with Pullup 3x Current LEDxA ENA Dimm Open / Source OFF and Short Thermal Management ENA Derating Detection up to LEDxB Resistor @ LEDx 150mA - High VS per OFF - High Temp Channel - Ext. Derating Current IR 1 Reference Disable / for LEDx IR 2 Resistor to BCM / Driver for Error Detection Controller IR 3 External R SLM From Controller / to GND Single Lamp Mode Optional Current Failure Feedback Reference Circuitry for LEDx E522.80/81/82/83 GND Elmos Semiconductor AG reserves the right to change the detail specifications as may be required to permit improvements in the design of its products. Elmos Semiconductor AG Data Sheet QM-No.: 25DS0132E.03 1/25