Datasheet ADIS16489 (Analog Devices) - 21

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
DescriptionSeven Degrees of Freedom Inertial Sensor
Pages / Page40 / 21 — ADIS16489. Data Sheet. Y-Axis Delta Angle (Y_DELTANG_LOW, Y_DELTANG_OUT)
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Document LanguageEnglish

ADIS16489. Data Sheet. Y-Axis Delta Angle (Y_DELTANG_LOW, Y_DELTANG_OUT)

ADIS16489 Data Sheet Y-Axis Delta Angle (Y_DELTANG_LOW, Y_DELTANG_OUT)

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ADIS16489 Data Sheet Y-Axis Delta Angle (Y_DELTANG_LOW, Y_DELTANG_OUT) Table 71. 32-Bit Delta Angle Data Format Examples Delta Angle (°) Decimal Hex Table 62. Y_DELTANG_LOW Register Definitions
+720 × (231 − 1)/231 +2,147,483,647 0x7FFFFFFF
Page Addresses Default Access Flash Backup
+720/230 +2 0x00000002 0x00 0x44, 0x45 Not applicable R No +720/231 +1 0x00000001
Table 63. Y_DELTANG_LOW Bit Definitions
0 0 0x00000000
Bits Description
−720/231 −1 0xFFFFFFFF [15:0] Y-axis delta angle data; low word −720/230 −2 0xFFFFFFFE −720 −2,147,483,648 0x80000000
Table 64. Y_DELTANG_OUT Register Definitions DELTA VELOCITY Page Addresses Default Access Flash Backup
0x00 0x46, 0x47 Not applicable R No In addition to the linear acceleration measurements along each axis (x, y, and z), the ADIS16489 also provides delta velocity
Table 65. Y_DELTANG_OUT Bit Definitions
measurements that represent a computation of linear velocity
Bits Description
change between each sample update. [15:0] Y-axis delta angle data; twos complement,
±720° range, 0° = 0x0000, 1 LSB = 720°/215 = ~0.022°
The Y_DELTANG_LOW (see Table 62 and Table 63) and
Y_DELTANG_OUT (see Table 64 and Table 65) registers contain the delta angle data for the y-axis.
X-AXIS Y-AXIS Z-Axis Delta Angle (Z_DELTANG_LOW, Z_DELTANG_OUT) ΔVX ΔVY Table 66. Z_DELTANG_LOW Register Definitions
PIN 23 Page Addresses Default Access Flash Backup PIN 1
15596- Figure 25. Delta Velocity Axis and Polarity Assignments 0x00 0x48, 0x49 Not applicable R No The delta velocity outputs represent an integration of the
Table 67. Z_DELTANG_LOW Bit Definitions
acceleration measurements and use the following formula for all
Bits Description
three axes (x-axis displayed): [15:0] Z-axis delta angle data; low word −1 ∆V = 1 D × x,nD ∑(a + x,nD+d ax,nD+d−1)
Table 68. Z_DELTANG_OUT Register Definitions
2 fS d=0
Page Addresses Default Access Flash Backup
where: 0x00 0x4A, 0x4B Not applicable R No D is the decimation rate = DEC_RATE + 1 (see Table 159).
Table 69. Z_DELTANG_OUT Bit Definitions
fS is the sample rate.
Bits Description
d is the incremental variable in the summation formula. [15:0] Z-axis delta angle data; twos complement, ax is the x-axis acceleration (accelerometer). ±720° range, 0° = 0x0000, 1 LSB = 720°/215 = ~0.022° n is the sample time, prior to the decimation filter. The Z_DELTANG_LOW (see Table 66 and Table 67) and When using the internal sample clock, fS is equal to 2460 SPS. Z_DELTANG_OUT (see Table 68 and Table 69) registers When using the external clock option, fS is equal to the contain the delta angle data for the z-axis. frequency of the external clock. The frequency external of the clock must be at least 700 Hz to prevent overflow in the delta
Delta Angle Resolution
velocity data registers at high acceleration levels. Table 70 and Table 71 offers various numerical examples that Each axis of the delta velocity measurements has two output demonstrate the format of the delta-angle data in 16-bit and data registers. Figure 26 il ustrates how these two registers 32-bit formats. combine to support 32-bit, twos complement data format, for
Table 70. 16-Bit Delta Angle Data Format Examples
the x-axis delta velocity measurements. This format also applies
Delta Angle (°) Decimal Hex Binary
to the y- and z-axes as well. +720 × (215 − 1)/215 +32,767 0x7FFF 0111 1111 1110 1111
+720/214 +2 0x0002 0000 0000 0000 0010
15 0 15 0
025 +720/215 +1 0x0001 0000 0000 0000 0001
15596- 0 0 0x0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Figure 26. Delta Angle Output Data Structure −720/215 −1 0xFFFF 1111 1111 1111 1111 −720/214 −2 0xFFFE 1111 1111 1111 1110 −720 −32,768 0x8000 1000 0000 0000 0000 Rev. 0 | Page 20 of 39 Document Outline Features Applications General Description Functional block Diagram Revision History Specifications Timing Specifications Register Specific Stall Times Timing Diagrams Absolute Maximum Ratings Thermal Resistance ESD Caution Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions Typical Performance Characteristics Theory of Operation Introduction Register Structure SPI Communication Device Configuration Dual Memory Structure Reading Sensor Data User Register Memory Map User Register Defintions Page 0 (PAGE_ID) Sample Sequence Counter (SEQ_CNT) Status/Error Flag Indicators (SYS_E_FLAG) Self Test Error Flags (DIAG_STS) Alarm Error Flags (ALM_STS) Internal Temperature (TEMP_OUT) Gyroscope Data X-Axis Gyroscope (X_GYRO_LOW, X_GYRO_OUT) Y-Axis Gyroscope (Y_GYRO_LOW, Y_GYRO_OUT) Z-Axis Gyroscope (Z_GYRO_LOW, Z_GYRO_OUT) Gyroscope Resolution Acceleration Data X-Axis Accelerometer (X_ACCL_LOW, X_ACCL_OUT) Y-Axis Accelerometer (Y_ACCL_LOW, Y_ACCL_OUT) Z-Axis Accelerometer (Z_ACCL_LOW, Z_ACCL_OUT) Accelerometer Resolution Barometer Data Barometer (BAROM_LOW, BAROM_OUT) Barometer Resolution Delta Angles X-Axis Delta Angle (X_DELTANG_LOW, X_DELTANG_OUT) Y-Axis Delta Angle (Y_DELTANG_LOW, Y_DELTANG_OUT) Z-Axis Delta Angle (Z_DELTANG_LOW, Z_DELTANG_OUT) Delta Angle Resolution Delta Velocity X-Axis Delta Velocity (X_DELTVEL_LOW, X_DELTVEL_OUT) Y-Axis Delta Velocity (Y_DELTVEL_LOW, Y_DELTVEL_OUT) Z-Axis Delta Velocity (Z_DELTVEL_LOW, Z_DELTVEL_OUT) Delta Velocity Resolution Real-Time Clock Real-Time Clock: Minutes/Seconds (TIME_MS_OUT) Real-Time Clock: Days/Hours (TIME_DH_OUT) Real-Time Clock: Years/Months (TIME_YM_OUT) Product Identification ( PROD_ID) Page 2 (PAGE_ID) Calibration Calibration, Gyroscope Scale (X_GYRO_SCALE) Calibration, Gyroscope Scale (Y_GYRO_SCALE) Calibration, Gyroscope Scale (Z_GYRO_SCALE) Calibration, Accelerometer Scale (X_ACCL_SCALE) Calibration, Accelerometer Scale (Y_ACCL_SCALE) Calibration, Accelerometer Scale (Z_ACCL_SCALE) Calibration, Gyroscope Bias (XG_BIAS_LOW, XG_BIAS_HIGH) Calibration, Gyroscope Bias (YG_BIAS_LOW, YG_BIAS_HIGH) Calibration, Gyroscope Bias (ZG_BIAS_LOW, ZG_BIAS_HIGH) Calibration, Accelerometer Bias (XA_BIAS_LOW, XA_BIAS_HIGH) Calibration, Accelerometer Bias (YA_BIAS_LOW, YA_BIAS_HIGH) Calibration, Accelerometer Bias (ZA_BIAS_LOW, ZA_BIAS_HIGH) Barometers Calibration, Barometer Bias (BR_BIAS_LOW, BR_BIAS_HIGH) Scratch Registers (USER_SCR_x) Flash Memory Endurance Counter (FLSHCNT_LOW, FLSHCNT_HIGH) Page 3 (PAGE_ID) Global Commands (GLOB_CMD) Software Reset Factory Calibration Restore Flash Memory Update Flash Memory Test On Demand Self Test (ODST) Bias Correction Update Auxiliary I/O Line Configuration (FNCTIO_CTRL) Data Ready Indicator Input Sync/Clock Control Alarm Indicator General-Purpose I/O Control (GPIO_CTRL) Miscellaneous Configuration (CONFIG) Point of Percussion Linear Acceleration on Effect on Gyroscope Bias Decimation Filter (DEC_RATE) Continuous Bias Estimation (NULL_CNFG) Power Management (SLP_CNT) FIR Filter Control (FILTR_BNK_0, FILTR_BNK_1) Alarm Configuration (ALM_CNFG_0, ALM_CNFG_1, ALM_CFG_2) Solving for ΔX_ACCL_OUT, ΔZ_GYRO_OUT, ΔY_GYRO_OUT, and ΔX_GYRO_OUT Solving for ΔZ_ACCL_OUT and ΔY_ACCL_OUT X-Axis Gyroscope Alarm (XG_ALM_MAGN) Alarm Example Y-Axis Gyroscope Alarm (YG_ALM_MAGN) Z-Axis Gyroscope Alarm (ZG_ALM_MAGN) X-Axis Accelerometer Alarm (XA_ALM_MAGN) Y-Axis Accelerometer Alarm (YA_ALM_MAGN) Z-Axis Accelerometer Alarm (ZA_ALM_MAGN) Barometer Alarm (BR_ALM_MAGN) Firmware Revision (FIRM_REV) Firmware Revision Day and Month (FIRM_DM) Firmware Revision Year (FIRM_Y) Page 4 (PAGE_ID) Part Identification Numbers (PART_ID1, PART_ID2, PART_ID3, PART_ID4) FIR Filters Page 5, Page 6 (PAGE_ID) FIR Filter Bank A (FIR_COEF_A000 to FIR_COEF_A119) Page 7, Page 8 (PAGE_ID) FIR Filter Bank B (FIR_COEF_B000 to FIR_COEF_B119) Page 9, Page 10 (PAGE_ID) FIR Filter Bank C (FIR_COEF_C000 to FIR_COEF_C119) Page 11, Page 12 (PAGE_ID) FIR Filter Bank D (FIR_COEF_D000 to FIR_COEF_D119) Default Filter Performance Applications Information Mounting Best Practices Evaluation Tools Breakout Board, ADIS16IMU1/PCBZ PC-Based Evaluation, EVAL-ADIS Power Supply Considerations Packaging and Ordering Information Outline Dimensions Ordering Guide