Datasheet HMC462 (Analog Devices) - 5

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
Pages / Page8 / 5 — HMC462. GaAs pHEMT MMIC. LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER, 2 - 20 GHz. Absolute …
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HMC462. GaAs pHEMT MMIC. LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER, 2 - 20 GHz. Absolute Maximum Ratings. Typical Supply Current vs. Vdd

HMC462 GaAs pHEMT MMIC LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER, 2 - 20 GHz Absolute Maximum Ratings Typical Supply Current vs Vdd

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Text Version of Document

GaAs pHEMT MMIC LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER, 2 - 20 GHz Absolute Maximum Ratings Typical Supply Current vs. Vdd
Drain Bias Voltage (Vdd) +9 Vdc Vdd (V) idd (mA) ip rf input power (rfiN) +18 dBm 4 64 h Channel Temperature 175 °C 5 66 Continuous pdiss (T= 85 °C) 6 68 C (derate 24.4 mw/°C above 2.2 w - 7 70 85 °C) s 8 72 Thermal resistance 41 °C/w r (channel to die bottom) ie storage Temperature -65 to 150°C operating Temperature -55 to 85 °C lif p m eleCTrosTATiC seNsiTiVe DeViCe oBserVe hANDliNG preCAUTioNs A e
Outline Drawing
is o N w lo - s r ie lif p m A
Die Packaging Information
[1] NoTes: standard Alternate 1. All DimeNsioNs Are iN iNChes [mm] 2. Die ThiCKNess is 0.004” Gp-1 (Gel pack) [2] 3. TYpiCAl BoND pAD is 0.004” sQUAre 4. BoND pAD meTAliZATioN: GolD [1] For more information refer to the “Packaging 5. BACKsiDe meTAliZATioN: GolD Information” Document in the Product Support Section of 6. BACKsiDe meTAl is GroUND our website . 7. No CoNNeCTioN reQUireD for UNlABeleD BoND pADs [2] For alternate packaging information contact Hittite 8. oVerAll Die siZe ±0.002” Microwave Corporation. Inf F or o m r p atio r n ifc ur e n , d ishe e d lbiv y e A r n y a alog n D d t evic o p es is la beclie o eved rd to ebre sa: H ccur iattti e tae M nd re ilicarbloew . H a o ve C wever, o n rp o For price, delivery, and to place orders: Analog Devices, Inc., responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other oration, 2 Elizabeth Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824 One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 O rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No P rd hone e r O : 7 n 81- -3li 2n 9 e a -47 t w 0 w 0 • O w rd .h e it r o t niltie n .c e ao t m
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