Mini-Circuits released two tiny, ultra wideband surface mount transformers

Mini-Circuits TCM3-452X+ TCM4-452X+

Mini-Circuits released extended the frequency coverage of our tiny wideband surface mount transformers to serve even more applications and give you more choices.
The TCM3-452X+  provides a secondary/primary impedance ratio of 3:1; the TCM4-452X+ provides an impedance ratio of 4:1.

Mini-Circuits TCM3-452X+

Both models provide:

  • Ultra wideband frequency range from 20 to 4500 MHz
  • Low insertion loss, 1.3 dB typ. (TCM3) / 1.5 dB typ. (TCM4)
  • Low amplitude unbalance, 0.5 dB typ. (both models)
  • Low phase unbalance, 4° typ (TCM3) / 5° typ. (TCM4)
  • 0.4W power handling with 30 mA max. current
  • Top Hat feature for faster, more accurate pick and place
  • Tiny size, 0.16 × 0.15 × 0.16
  • Low cost, $3.29 ea. (QTY 20) / $2.79 ea. (QTY 100)

These transformers offer an ideal solution for tight circuit board layouts and a wide range applications including PCS, wideband push-pull amplifiers, and cellular.