ADI pairs quad amplifiers and data converters to increase channel density and improve image quality, while reducing package size, power and cost.
Analog Devices Inc. is introducing a quad variable gain amplifier (VGA) and two quad analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) that dramatically improve image quality in advanced medical ultrasound equipment. Leveraging Analog Devices' system-level signal chain and medical applications expertise, the new components, while available separately, together provide a complete, optimized analog front end (AFE) that not only increases dynamic range and image resolution in ultrasound equipment, but reduces package size, per-channel power consumption and bill of materials costs. The quad VGA and 10- and 12-bit quad ADCs also feature serial, low-voltage differential signaling (LVDS) data outputs that simplify board layout and further enhance image quality by enabling more data conversion paths to be routed within a given printed circuit board area.
About the AD8334 Quad Variable Gain Amplifier
The AD8334 quad VGA sets a new standard of performance for high-end ultrasound equipment designers by achieving a 101-dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at 5 MHz, which is twice the SNR of the nearest competing VGA. In addition to superior image quality, the AD8334 uses 20 percent less area per channel, reduces per-channel power consumption by 20 percent and cuts per-channel costs by 10 percent that of other devices. The AD8334 also features an input-noise voltage level of only 0.74 nV/rtHz, while overload protection shields the device from ultrasound near-field signals and a selectable output clamping feature allows the VGA to protect the ADCs from signal saturation.
About the AD9228 and AD9219 Quad ADCs
The 12-bit AD9228 and 10-bit AD9219 quad ADCs provide an ideal match for Analog Devices' new AD8334 VGA. The AD9219 and the AD9228 are available in both 40- and 65-MSPS (million samples per second) speed grades and achieve a 70-dB SNR and 82-dB SFDR (spurious free dynamic range). The new quad ADCs consume half the board space and achieve a more than 20 percent reduction in per-channel power consumption relative to other ADCs. The devices also feature a programmable clock and data alignment and allow for digital test pattern generation using a serial port interface (SPI) that improves the ability of designers to control and synchronize output data.
Pricing and Availability
The AD8334 quad VGA is sampling and available in a 64-lead LFCSP (lead-frame chip-scale package). The AD8334 is priced at $14.49 per unit, in 1,000-piece quantities. The AD9219 and AD9228 quad ADCs are sampling and available in a 48-lead LFCSP. The AD9219 is priced at $15.98 for the 40-MSPS speed grade and at $19.98 for the 65-MSPS version in 1,000-piece quantities. The AD9228 is priced at $23.50 for the 40-MSPS speed grade and at $32.50 for the 65-MSPS version in 1,000-piece quantities.