Version 03.01, June 2018 100 mV/div 3.6 mV (39.8 dB) 200 mV/div 9.8 mV (37.2 dB) 500 mV/div 21 mV (38.5 dB) 1 V/div 36 mV (39.8 dB) Horizontal system Timebase range selectable between 20 ps/div and 10 000 s/div, time per div settable to any value within range Channel deskew ±100 ns Reference position 10 % to 90 % of measurement display area Trigger offset range max. +(memory depth/current sampling rate) min. –10 000 s Modes normal, roll Channel-to-channel skew < 100 ps (meas.) Timebase accuracy after delivery/calibration, at +23 °C ±10 ppb during calibration interval ±100 ppb long-term stability ±(50 + 50 × years since calibration) ppb (more than one year since calibration) Sample clock jitter acquired time range RMS value (meas.) 1 µs 50 fs 10 µs 63 fs 100 µs 72 fs 1 ms 76 fs 10 ms 124 fs Intrinsic jitter RMS value 200 fs (meas.) Time interval error (TIE) RMS values √(Noise/SlewRate)2 + (Intrinsic Jitter)2 Periodic jitter RMS values √2 √(Noise/SlewRate)2 + (Intrinsic Jitter)2 Cycle-to-cycle jitter RMS values √3 √(Noise/SlewRate)2 + (Intrinsic Jitter)2 Acquisition system Realtime sampling rate max. 20 Gsample/s on each channel Realtime waveform acquisition rate max. > 950 000 waveforms/s Realtime digital filters selectable for the data acquisition and/or the trigger system lowpass for acquisition system cutoff frequency selectable from 100 kHz to 500 MHz lowpass for acquisition and trigger system cutoff frequency selectable from 1 GHz to the analog bandwidth with fine granularity Memory depth 2 standard 50 Msample on 4 channels 100 Msample on 2 channels 200 Msample on 1 channel R&S®RTP-B101 option 100 Msample on 4 channels 200 Msample on 2 channels 400 Msample on 1 channel R&S®RTP-B102 option 200 Msample on 4 channels 400 Msample on 2 channels 800 Msample on 1 channel R&S®RTP-B105 option 500 Msample on 4 channels 1 Gsample on 2 channels 2 Gsample on 1 channel R&S®RTP-B110 option 1 Gsample on 4 channels 2 Gsample on 2 channels Decimation modes sample first sample in decimation interval peak detect largest and smallest sample in decimation interval high resolution average value of samples in decimation interval root mean square root of squared average of samples in decimation interval 2 The maximum available memory depth depends on the bit depth of the acquired data and, therefore, on the settings of the acquisition system, such as decimation mode, waveform arithmetic, number of waveform streams and high definition mode. 6Rohde & Schwarz R&S®RTP High-Performance Oscilloscope