Datasheet AD8029, AD8030, AD8040 (Analog Devices)
Manufacturer | Analog Devices |
Description | Low Power, High Speed Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Amplifier |
Pages / Page | 24 / 1 — Low Power, High Speed. Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Amplifier. Data Sheet. … |
Revision | B |
File Format / Size | PDF / 454 Kb |
Document Language | English |
Low Power, High Speed. Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Amplifier. Data Sheet. AD8029/. AD8030/. AD8040. FEATURES. CONNECTION DIAGRAMS
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Low Power, High Speed Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Amplifier Data Sheet AD8029/ AD8030/ AD8040 FEATURES CONNECTION DIAGRAMS Qualified for automotive applications NC 1 8 DISABLE Low power: 1.3 mA supply current/amplifier VOUT 1 6 +VS –IN 2 7 +VS High speed +IN 3 6 VOUT –VS 2 5 DISABLE + – 125 MHz, –3 dB bandwidth (G = +1) –VS 4 5 NC 60 V/µs slew rate NC = NO CONNECT +IN 3 4 –IN
80 ns settling time to 0.1%
Rail-to-rail input and output
Figure 1. SOIC-8 (R) Figure 2. SC70-6 (KS)
No phase reversal, inputs 200 mV beyond rails Wide supply range: 2.7 V to 12 V Offset voltage: 6 mV maximum VOUT 1 1 14 VOUT 4 Low input bias current –IN 1 2 13 –IN 4 +0.7 µA to –1.5 µA +IN 1 3 12 +IN 4 Small packaging V +V OUT 1 1 8 +V 11 –V S S 4 S SOIC-8, SC70-6, SOT23-8, SOIC-14, TSSOP-14 –IN 1 2 7 +V +IN 2 5 10 OUT 2 +IN 3 +IN 1 3 6 –IN 2 –IN 2 6 9 –IN 3 APPLICATIONS –VS 4 5 +IN 2 VOUT 2 7 8 VOUT 3 Automotive safety and vision systems
03679-A-003 03679-A-001
Battery-powered instrumentation
Figure 3. SOIC-8 (R) and Figure 4. SOIC-14 (R) and
SOT23-8 (RJ) TSSOP-14 (RU)
A-to-D drivers Buffering GENERAL DESCRIPTION
The AD8029 (single), AD8030 (dual), and AD8040 (quad) are systems where component density requires lower power rail-to-rail input and output high speed amplifiers with a quiescent dissipation. The AD8040W is an automotive grade version, current of only 1.3 mA per amplifier. Despite their low power qualified for automotive applications. consumption
the amplifiers provide excel ent performance with The AD8029/AD8030 are the only low power, rail-to-rail input 125 MHz small signal bandwidth and 60 V/µs slew rate. Analog and output high speed amplifiers available in SOT23 and SC70 Devices, Inc., proprietary XFCB process enables high speed and micro packages. The amplifiers are rated over the extended high performance on low power. industrial temperature range, –40°C to +125°C. This family of amplifiers exhibits true single-supply operation
with rail-to-rail input and output performance for supply voltages
ranging from 2.7 V to 12 V. The input voltage range extends
200 mV beyond each rail without phase reversal. The dynamic
range of the output extends to within 40 mV of each rail.
The AD8029/AD8030/AD8040 provide excellent signal quality
with minimal power dissipation. At G = +1, SFDR is –72 dBc at
1 MHz and settling time to 0.1% is only 80 ns. Low distortion
and fast settling performance make these amplifiers suitable
drivers for single-supply analog-to-digital converters.
The versatility of the AD8029/AD8030/AD8040 allows the user
G = +1 0.5 VS = +5V
to operate the amplifiers on a wide range of supplies while con-
R 1
s/DIV L = 1k
suming less than 6.5 mW of power. These features extend the
03679-A-010 operation time in applications ranging from battery-powered Figure 5. Rail-to-Rail Response systems with large bandwidth requirements to high speed
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Document Outline Features Applications Connection Diagrams General Description Table of Contents Revision History Specifications Specifications with ±5 V Supply Specifications with +5 V Supply Specifications with +3 V Supply Absolute Maximum Ratings Maximum Power Dissipation Output Short Circuit ESD Caution Typical Performance Characteristics Theory of Operation Input Stage Output Stage Applications Wideband Operation Output Loading Sensitivity Disable Pin Circuit Considerations PCB Layout Grounding Power Supply Bypassing Design Tools and Technical Support Outline Dimensions Ordering Guide