Datasheet HMC631LP3, 631LP3E (Analog Devices) - 8

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
DescriptionGaAs HBT Vector Modulator 1.8 -2.7 GHz
Pages / Page8 / 8 — HMC631LP3 / 631LP3E. GaAs HBT VECTOR. MODULATOR 1.8 - 2.7 MHz. Notes:. 10 …
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HMC631LP3 / 631LP3E. GaAs HBT VECTOR. MODULATOR 1.8 - 2.7 MHz. Notes:. 10 - 65

HMC631LP3 / 631LP3E GaAs HBT VECTOR MODULATOR 1.8 - 2.7 MHz Notes: 10 - 65

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HMC631LP3 / 631LP3E
GaAs HBT VECTOR MODULATOR 1.8 - 2.7 MHz Notes:
10 T - SM S R O T A L U MOD Information furnishe F d o b r pr y Analic o e g , D d evi e ce li s v i e s brey li , a eve n d t d to p o be acc luac rat e o e an r d d rele ia rs ble , p . Hole we a ves r, e n c o ont Fo ac r p t H rice i, tt dit ele M iveryic , r a owa nd to ve C plac o e r o p rdo e r r at s: i Ao n n al:og Devices, Inc., responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other 20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106 rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No : 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Phone: 781-329-4700 • Order online at
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