Easy-to-Use, Flexible ADC Targets Portable, Low-Power Systems
July 22, 2003- Texas Instruments (TI) Incorporated introduced a multi-channel, 16-bit delta-sigma analog-to-digital converter (ADC) in compact MSOP and leadless QFN packages. This easy-to-use data acquisition system, from the company's Burr-Brown product line, is designed for high-resolution measurement applications where space and power consumption are critical considerations, such as portable instrumentation, industrial process control, consumer goods, portable medical equipment and smart transmitters. (See'dataconverter.ti.com/sc03153.)
The ADS1112 features low current consumption (240µA) and can be programmed to automatically power down after a conversion to reduce consumption. The device uses an I2CTM'interface and operates from a single 2.7V to 5.5V power supply.'
Available Today
The ADS1112 is priced from $2.49 in 1,000 piece quantities (suggested resale pricing). The MSOP-10 package version is available now from TI and its authorized distributors. The leadless QFN package will be available in 3Q03.'